I used to have a lot to say, in this (once, not so) small space, before gootube changed and deleted everything that I once said and "evolved" into a non-user friendly environment...
It appears that content for possible profits (no matter how worthless to the health and wellbeing of one's soul) appears to trump possible prophets for content(ment)... OK, bad joke... Anyway...
Perhaps I'm just going the way of any other early internet dinosaur of the past youtube days when you could actually connect with your audience and have an open dialog and network aside from flaming comments from trolls.
I guess the future history of internet social media will be molded into whatever shape that skygootoofaybootweeter Inc. decides is most profitable and oc palatable for whatever age group they think will spend the most money... whatever! ;)
... Good luck and God Speed to those that see through all of this (bs) nonsense... and peace to you and your soul :)