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Lucid Noise Show

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Covering songs from our favorite artists. Please subscribe

Caraphernelia ft. Jeremy McKinnon by Pierce the Veil Caraphernelia ft. Jeremy McKinnon by Pierce the Veil Killing In the Name by Rage Against the Machine New Born by Muse #newborn #muse #originofsymmetry Eriatarka by The Mars Volta #eriatarka #themarsvolta Bodysnatchers by Radiohead #bodysnatchers #radiohead Guitar solo on Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana Fix You by Coldplay #fixyou #coldplay #xandy Emergency Contact by Pierce the Veil #piercetheveil #emergencycontact Knee Socks by Arctic Monkeys #kneesocks #arcticmonkeys #am Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs #maps #yeahyeahyeahs Zero by The Smashing Pumpkins #thesmashingpumpkins #zero R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys #rumine #arcticmonkeys #am SRV guitar solo in China Girl by David Bowie #chinagirl #davidbowie #srv #guitarsolo Half Full Glass Of Wine by Tame Impala #tameimpala #kevinparker #halffullglassofwine 505 by Arctic Monkeys #505 #arcticmonkeys #favouriteworstnightmare R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys #rumine #arcticmonkeys #am I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor by Arctic Monkeys #arcticmonkeys Creep by Radiohead #creep #radiohead #pablohoney Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots #stonetemplepilots #stp #core Time guitar solo | Pink Floyd #pinkfloyd #time #davidgilmour #guitarsolo #thedarksideofthemoon The Day I Tried to Live by Soundgarden #thedayitriedtolive #soundgarden Hey You guitar solo | Pink Floyd Let Down by Radiohead #letdown #radiohead #okcomputer Plug In Baby by Muse #pluginbaby #muse #originofsymmetry One Armed Scissor by At the Drive-In #onearmedscissor #atthedrivein #atdi Supermassive Black Hole by Muse #muse #supermassiveblackhole Shiver by Coldplay #shiver #coldplay #coversong The Less I Know the Better by Tame Impala #tameimpala #kevinparker #thelessiknowthebetter #currents Intro to Mayonaise by The Smashing Pumpkins #mayonaise #thesmashingpumpkins #coversong Santería (guitar solo) by Sublime #santeria #sublime #coversong #guitarsolo Love the outro in Just by Radiohead #just #radiohead #outro Yellow Ledbetter (guitar solo) by Pearl Jam #yellowledbetter #guitarsolo #pearljam #mikemccready My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones #deftones #myownsummer #coversong Creep by Stone Temple Pilots #creep #stonetemplepilots #stp #grunge #coversong My Iron Lung by Radiohead (guitar solo) [Cover Song] #just #radiohead #coversong Sabotage by Beastie Boys #sabotage #beastieboys #coversong Elephant by Tame Impala #elephant #tameimpala #kevinparker #coversong You by Radiohead #you #radiohead #coversong #shorts The Smiths | This Charming Man [Cover Song] The Mars Volta | Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt (bass solo) [Cover Song] Nirvana | Lounge Act (instrumental) [Cover Song] Pearl Jam | Even Flow (guitar solo) [Cover Song]