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History Revealed

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The Boston Massacre: A Bloody Slaughter by the British #americanhistory #bostonmassacre #colonialism The Black Plague:Disease Devastated Medieval Europe #blackplague #blackdeath #medievalhistory The Partition of India: British Rule Ended with a Bloody Divide. #partitionofindia #india #pakistan Stalingrad turning point of WW2 #Battleofstalingrad #ww2 #worldwar2 The Green Revolution: How Technology Boosted Global Food Production #greenrevolution #history #facts The Oslo Accord: How Israel and the PLO Agreed to Negotiate Peace #israel #palestine #gaza The Slave Trade: How Millions of Africans Were Enslaved #slavery #colonialism #africanhistory The Afghanistan Invasion:Soviets vs Mujahideen #afghanistan #sovietunion #coldwar The Rwandan Genocide:Hundred Days of Horror #rwandangenocide #rwanda #africanhistory The Bay of Pigs Invasion: A Failed Attempt to Overthrow Castro #bayofpigs #coldwar #cuba How the Opium Wars Opened China to the West #opiumwars #qing #drugtrade D-Day: How the Allies Stormed the Beaches of Normandy #dday #normandy #wwii The Prohibition Era:When America Tried to Ban Alcohol #prohibition #americanhistory #roaringtwenties The Dust Bowl: the Worst Environmental Disaster in US History #dustbowl #americanhistory #disaster The Louisiana Purchase: How America Doubled Its Size #louisianapurchase #1800s #USfrance Berlin Airlift: The sky-high rescue! #berlinairlift #wwii #coldwar The Spanish Inquisition: The Dark Side of Catholic Church #spanishinquisition #catholicism #history The Partition of Berlin: How the City Became a Cold War Battleground #coldwar #berlin #berlinwall The Foundation of the UN: How the World United for Peace #UN #unitednations #worldwarii The Great Depression: What Caused It and How It Ended #greatdepression #americanhistory #Roosevelt The Gold Rush: How It Sparked a Global Fever for Gold #goldrush #California #americanhistory The Nuremberg Trials: How the Nazis Were Brought to Justice #nuremberg #nurembergtrials #ww2 The Cultural Revolution of China: What Happened #culturalrevolution #mao #chinesehistory The Russian Revolution: How and Why It Happened #russianrevolution #bolshevik #lenin The Sinking of the Lusitania: A Turning Point in World War I #lusitania #ww1 #worldwar1 Panama Canal: An Engineering marvel #panamacanal #engineering #panama The Roaring Twenties: A Decade of Change and Contrast #roaringtwenties #1920s #greatdepression The Renaissance: A Time of Art, Science, and Discovery #renaissance #medieval #medievalhistory Storming of the winter Palace: A spectacular Propoganda Show #sovietunion #ussr #winterpalace Trail of Tears:A tragic chapter in American history #trailoftears #nativeamerican #americanhistory The Treaty of Versailles: How It Shaped the Future #treatyofversailles #worldwar1 #ww1 The Mayflower Compact: The First American Democracy #mayflowercompact #pilgrims #americanhistory The Epic Space Race #spacerace #coldwar #coldwarhistory Magna Carta: The Document that Shaped History #magnacarta #royals #englishhistory The Untold Secrets of the Battle of Alamo #thealamo #texanrevolution #mexicanamericanwar 🚂 Building America’s Transcontinental Railroad! 🌎 #trains #transcontinentalrailroad #railwayhistory The Execution of Marie Antoinette #marieantoinette #frenchrevolution #french history The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: #franzferdinand #worldwar1 #warhistory The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A Tragic Lesson in History #fire #disaster #tragedy The Battle of Thermopylae How 300 Spartans Fought Against a Million #ancientgreece #spartans #sparta The Storming of the Bastille: Day That Changed History #frenchrevolution #frenchhistory #bastille The Montgomery Bus Boycott: How it sparked a Movement #rosaparks #civilrightsmovement #blackhistory The Great Fire of Rome: How It Changed the City Forever #ancientrome #romanhistory #disaster The Mystery of D.B. Cooper: The Skyjacker Who Vanished #crime #dbcooper #highjack The Bayeux Tapestry: A Stitch in Time #vikings #nordichistory #nordics Did Tutankhamun’s Tomb Kill People? #tutankamon #ancientegypt #pharoah The Salem Witch Trials: A Dark Chapter in American History #salemwitchtrials #witchcraft #history The Unsolved Mystery of Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance #ameliaearhart #mystery #aviation