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Official channel of the ABS Powerlifting Series. The Worlds

TEENS 6 | LIVE ON LIFT PASS #powerlifting #deadlift John Haack “ I want to prove I’m better than them” #powerlifting #absclashoftitans #deadlift Justin Suplee on his goals for the future with ABS. #deadlift #powerlifting John Haack “I’ve never been someone to run away from competition” Clash Of Titans 3 #powerlifting We catch up with Rumble kind Zac Meyers #powerlifting #powerlift #deadlift Fernando Aris is ready to go at the Regional Series 2 Illinois #powerlifting #deadlift Micheal Baxter “let’s see what this man can do” #powerlifting #deadlift #illinoispowerlifting Michael Greeno “I’ve been following abs for a long time” #powerlifting #powerlift #abspowerlifting Frank the Tank Allen & Kambry @ the Reach Rumble #powerlifting #Reachrumble Rumble lifter Nick Forte talks with Dave Tate on Table Talk. #powerlifitng #tabletalk #elitefts #abs Full send Fred on his 9/9 performance and getting his ABS PRO invite. #powerlifting #deadlift Shane Hunt & ABS Crew at the Reach Rumble. #powerlift #powerlifting #Reachrumble Sir Dave vs Colton 400kg for Reps. April 19th at Clash Of Titans 3 #deadlift Jay Farrant talks about Colton Engelbrecht and building his legacy. #Clashiftitans #powerlifting “Nothing has come close” Clash Of Titans #powerlifter #clashoftitans 340kg | Killian Carolan #powerlifting #squat #powerlift The Champ Brianny Terry!!! #powerlifting #powerlift #motivation Sir Dave pulls 400kg x 5 as he prepares to defend his belt at Clash Of Titans 3 Tom Smith pulls 370 to stay in the meet. #abspowerlifting #deadlift 365kg Jake Brennan | REACH RUMBLE 1 UTAH 🇺🇸 #powerlift #powerlifting #squat #REACH 2025 Loading … #powerlift #powerlifting Full Send Fred pulls 360kg to secure his first ABS Series PRO-AM win. #deadlift #powerlifting ABS Franchise Lifter Fernando Arias pulls 435kg for the W #deadlift #powerlifting Jay Farrant stealing a Harley Davidson at the Rumble #powerlifts #powerlifting #harleydavisom Delroy McQueen | ABS PRO #abspro #powerlifting #squat #powerliftingmotivation Tyler Gulbransen at the Reach Rumble media day #powerlifting #media #powerlifter #usappowerlifting Frank Allen & Johnny Kaufman compare 🐓s at the Rumble #abspowerlifting #powerlifter #powerlifting Jake admiring a big flag 🇺🇸 #powerlifts #powerliftingmotivation #ReachRUMBLE Sir Dave pulling up to the Rumble in style #powerlifts #powerlifter #reachrumble The Titans Are Coming! | APR 19th #powerliftingmotivation #powerlifting #abspowerlifting Du Preez with the quickest 400kg you’ll ever see. ABS Clash Of Titans 2 “It’s not going to last forever” Jay Farrant on Irish #powerlifting Jesse Moran on being the strongest person. #powerliftingmotivation #abspowerlifting See you soon America 🇺🇸 #powerlifts #Illonois #abspowerlifting Dan Bell talks about his first experience at the ABS Series. #powerlifts #powerliftingmotivation 2025 Loading…. A new rivalry has been born. 🇺🇸 vs 🇪🇺 Zac the Hulk Myers | ABS REACH RUMBLE Champion. #powerlifts #powerliftingmotivation #powerlifting Frank Allen on John Haack and becoming the Goat. #powerliftingmotivation #powerlifter #Haack 162.5kg x3 | ABS club lifter Emma McDermott #powerlifts #powerliftingmotivation #squats Clash Of Titans 3 | April 19th Dublin 🇮🇪 #powerliftingmotivation #powerlifter #abspowerlifting Zac Meyers squats an easy 400kg in sleeves at the ABS REACH RUMBLE. #powerlifitng #athlete Brianny Terry deadlifts 280kg / 600+ lbs on a powerbar at ABS PRO 6 #deadlift #powerlifting Franchise Lifter Fernando Arias 🇺🇸 pulls 412.5kg at ABS PRO 6 (powerbar) #powerlifting #deadlift Shane Hunt rates John Haack 1-10 #powerliftingmotivation #absseries #abspowerlifting 422.5kg / 931lbs Squat Hagen Henderson - Reach Rumble 1 #powerliftingmotivation #powerlifting 280kg | 618lbs Bench Press Raw @ ABS Reach Rumble Utah #benchpress #powerlifting 415kg | Dave Richardson conventional - Powerbar 2nd attempt Reach Rumble #powerliftingmotivation Custom singlets for the Rumble by powerlifting Motivation