Lock picking, Locksport. Everything to do with locks. I enjoy the engineering of locks and discovering how locks are put together, especially antique and vintage locks.
I enjoy doing Lock Explores of locks in the wild in abandoned and soon to be demolished places to see the working life of locks in situ.
I like to fix locks and bring old locks back into service transferring locksport skills into Locksmith skills.
I started the #LotoLockTuesday series featuring Lockout Tagout Locks, anyone can use the hashtag to add their video to the series.
The Locksport community is very supportive and encouraging, a pleasure to be a part of.
I am also referred to as Pocket Woman PDub or PW
Keep locksport legal, follow the locksport code of conduct
Only pick locks not in use, that you own or have permission to pick.
Stay legal - Temptation is Everywhere
PocketWoman PocketWomen PW PDub
Email: contact me through the comments section
#urbex #urbanexploration #exploreaustralia #Locksport