Personal channel of Mr. Linchang "Charles" Shen, Senior partner of Shanghai Promise Law Firm.
Charles received law degrees from Peking Uni. and London Uni.. Before admitted to the bar, he had been a judge with an appeal court and served on cases involving economic crimes, IP and int'l trade through 1996 to 2009. In 2005, he was selected by the Supreme Court of P. R. China and awarded a scholarship by the Lord Chancellor of the British Government to join the Sino-British Judiciary Exchange Program. From August 2005 to August 2006, he pursued a master degree in SOAS, London University on a stipend from the British Government.
Charles practices in the fields of int'l trade , transnational investment & dispute resolution etc.
申琳昌律师个人频道。申琳昌,上海普若律师事务所律师、高级合伙人,西南政法大学法学学士、北京大学法律硕士及伦敦大学法学硕士。执业前在某中级人民法院从事经济犯罪、知识产权以及涉外民商事审判工作(1996-2009)。2005 年经最高人民法院选派,赴英国参加中英司法交流。在英期间,参加了一系列与英国及欧盟法官、律师以及政府官员司法交流活动。2005~2006 年,由英国政府提供全额奖学金, 在伦敦大学亚非学院攻读国际比较法律研究硕士学位。