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Makeup by Myrna

86K subscribers - no pronouns :c

More from this channel (soon)

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

New video will be up in a few hours! 💪❤️

14 - 0

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

Guys, I‘d like to film an „unpopular makeup opinions“ video and would LOVE your feedback! What‘s your unpopular makeup opinion(s)? Products/techniques/looks/habits most people love but you can‘t stand (and why). I sure have a list myself 😁 comment down below and let me know. I will include as many of them in the video as possible! x

24 - 15

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

Hey guys, a new video will be going up later today 💪🎥 be sure to turn on post notifications for my channel to be notified the minute it goes up ❤️

31 - 0

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

Would you guys like me to do the „reacting to your assumptions about me“ tag? If so, be sure to comment your assumption(s) here and if I get enough, i‘ll totally film it!

14 - 6

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

New video going up in exactly 30 minutes 😃👍 hope y‘all tune in! ❤️

22 - 1

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

Hi guys, once again it would mean a lot to me if you could support my collaboration with ebay and leave a like on my Instagram post:…
Thank you!! Ly ❤️

20 - 1

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

I‘d appreciate your support on my Instagram post with eBay so much 🥺 Please click the link below and show some love ❤️…

14 - 0

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 5 years ago

I knew it 😠 i’m having problems uploading my video, so it will have to go up tomorrow! 😠 so annoying because I worked many hours to be able to get this up today. But I hope you’ll all tune in tomorrow. Be sure to turn on post notifications for my channel to be one of the first to watch when it goes live ❤️

46 - 4

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 6 years ago

Guys, my video takes SO long to upload because it’s so long - it‘s been uploading for 3 hours and it’s only at 17%, so it‘ll have to go up tomorrow! 😬 so stay tuned, tomorrow at this time it will be up!

41 - 0

Makeup by Myrna
Posted 6 years ago

I did it!! I filmed a my first German video today. It‘s a loooonngg one, so lots and lots of talking. I can already see the „you talk too much“ comments 🙈 but it was fun and I hope you‘ll enjoy it! It will go up later today! 💪

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