I’m The Benevolent Remasterer and thanks for checking out my channel. If you made it here, you’ve found a song you like remastered how I’d like to hear it.
This channel is dedicated to songs I like that I feel can be improved to make the most of the song or what I personally feel is the most of a song. In other words, it’s subjective but subjectively me. I do all of these remasters out of love and that’s why the channel is called The Benevolent Remasterer. Any song I touch will hopefully be truly transformed into something unexpected that still has the original song as its basis for being.
To the artists:
I love your music. If you stumble across one of these remasters and would like to re-release the song with the version that appears on this channel, it is free for you to use however you would like. I only ask that you make some mention of The Benevolent Remasterer and that you point traffic toward this channel.
You can reach me at thebenevolentremasterer@gmail.com