I love music, passionately. And I am an extremely picky audiophile. So quality of the song matters immensely to me. My goal is to provide youtube with a select few songs that arnt at fuckin 64kbps and sound like they were recorded from the radio using a cell phone mic. I love music, and more importantly, i like when it sounds like how the artist meant it to sound when he rendered it out and played it for the first time through his/her studio monitors. Enjoy muh musik B}
Computer/Electrical Engineering, Music, Music Production, Audio Engineering, Computers, Technology, COMEDY, Pussy, Clubbing, 4somes. Quality Speakers, Apple products. My 27" iMac. My trusty Sony MDR 7506's. Skateboarding. My childhood, consisting of blink 182, and N64. Learning, building and revolutionizing the world in the field of computers and engineering.