這個頻道收藏了我自己演練及製作的太極拳套路影片,以楊式太極拳風格為主,有太極拳,太極扇,太極劍及太極拂塵等等. 影片裡有提示招式名稱以及我自己錄製的口令,搭配獨特優美的背景音樂,希望對太極拳的初學者有所幫助. BC溫哥華太極拳協會 蔡文正
This channel is a collection of the Tai Chi videos that I performed and produced. It includes Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi Fan, Tai Chi Sword, and Tai Chi Whisk, mainly the yang style. The videos show the caption for each routine and the audio guide/order for each movement with beautiful background music. Hopefully they will help the beginners learn and practice the art of Tai Chi. Vancouver BC Tai Chi Association William Tsai