We are immortal souls occupying physical bodies here on Earth for the purpose of learning. Compassion is the key. Eliminate envy, hate, greed and live your life with Integrity (Quote by 'Sleeper'). Removing victimization and belief systems also helps too I believe. The Universe wants purity and striving towards this goal is needed to advance into the next higher level of life. Unfortunately many will keep on repeating this "EarthTrap" thing (maybe on another planet) over and over again until they "Get It". Thats the best advise/philosophy I can share at this time based on my personal research for TRUTH.
Integrity - is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes. In western ethics, integrity is regarded as the quality of having an intuitive sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the motivations for one's actions.
From another dictionary:
Integrity -
1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
3. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship's hull.