... we believe in God's radical, unconditional and unwavering love for us.
... we believe that Jesus is God. We also affirm that you may or may not believe that Jesus is God. We're not asking you to change your belief system before you attend our church. We're simply inviting you on a journey toward Jesus.
... we know that for years churches have placed a high priority on Jesus as the get-out-of-hell-free card. We place the highest priority on Jesus as a live-life-to-the-fullest invitation.
...we believe that every person has a dream deep inside their hearts, and that God put that dream there, not for our glory, but for His.
...we're not concerned with where you have been, but where you're going.
...we believe that the Bible is God's Word. It is real. It is living. It is active.
...We believe that people that don't go to church anywhere are not the enemy. They are real people who need the perfect love that only God can give. And we believe that God gives them