Heyy welcome to my channel;3♡♡
You can call me Kelly,Skylie or Yumi :D
I have 2 artstyles
-The one for animation memes(lore,backstory)
-And the one for shorts(kit community)
I have 3 main oc♡
-Kelly [Most used main]
-Skylie [main charecter in lore]
-Yumi [Main Charecter for kit community]
Small Q&A
X-Where are you from
X-How old are you
X-Can i get a gift
-Sorry i only make gift for who i want
And heres you can and you can't
You can✅️
-Trace me with credit
-put me in top 10
-make a gift for me [appreaticed♡♡]
You cant⛔️
-trace me without credit
-be rude to my fans
- steal my oc's
I love everyone ;3 have an awsome day🌌