1. Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's mentor and a radical communist, mentioned 22 times in Obama's autobiography, is clearly his biological father.
2. Communism and fascism are operationally exactly the same: central-government, high-tax, media-control tyrannies. Neither resembles the American system. Fascist Hitler killed 6 million Germans, communism Stalin killed 40 million Russians. Communist countries like China take children away from their families to raise them as state-sponsored athletes and artists. The only difference between Communism and Socialism is that socialism allows for limited ownership of private land.
3. At the age of ten, Barack had to be TAKEN to Davis by his family to be instilled in the way of communist thinking. Obama started his political career w/ Ayres and Ayre's wife Bernadine Dorn, herself leader of the terrorist group, The Weather Underground. Obama's associations are all bad and so is the situation. Go to www.evidencevault.blogspot.com.