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River's Witness

659 subscribers - no pronouns :c

hello there everybody! my name is witness or angela, whichev

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

River's Witness
Posted 3 months ago

Teaser for Beetleclan Year 6!

It's been months, but I am finally so close to being done. I've mentioned here and there why it took me so close, but here's it once again just in case you haven't seen it. I got sick back in early March and proceeded to spend the next couple of months (well into June/July) feeling unmotivated and more tired than usual. I'm doing better now and have gotten back a lot of my lost and squandered motivation, hence year 6 getting done.

In terms of what's going on with year 6 and what's left to be done, I have that speedpaint image I put at the beginning of the vid that is still needing to be done. That should only take me somewhere between 2-4 hours, which isn't that long. Obviously recording the audio and editing will need to be done. Recording will probably be long as I have a lot to talk about and we have new faces to discuss, so expect a 50 minute or hour long video.

One of the last things I need to do is the animatic in the front of the video. If you've checked out the community tab or remember last year's little call to action, then you know that it's the fate of Honeyfeather. It's safe to say y'all wanted her crimes to be discovered and I have delivered. However, the animatic I first planned was larger and more detailed. The audio portion will still be the same, but now with only cleaned up sketches accompanying it. I do not want to be working on this video any longer than I have to.

It's been months for you, but it's also been months for me. I don't play past the moon I'm on and I've been staring at the year 6 clan for months, so I'm very ready to see what chaos year 7 has for me.

In the meantime, extra long year 5 speedpaint is getting uploaded as I type this and should be out right about now. Year 6 is on it's way and will either be here this weekend or next week. (Partially depends on when my copy of Star gets here and if I want to make a video about that. Probably going to get year 6 done and then make a Star rant review.)

I am once again thanking everybody for their patience with this video. I promise year 7 will never take this long again (it's been eight months since the last year).

Also Beetleclan is a year and fourish months old, so happy belated birthday to these babies!

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Spoilers for Beetleclan Year 5.

During the video covering Beetleclan's fifth year, we discussed serval murders and attempted murders done by the young warrior Honeyfeather. She killed Harestar, the previous leader, Milkthistle, her older brother, Poppypaw, her sister and littermate, and attempted to kill Hopelily, the leader's daughter. While Hopelily, the only survivor, has accused Honeyfeather, the rest of Beetleclan does not take these accusations seriously and Honeyfeather is not under any suspicion.

However, that can change and that is what I want you guys to think about. I'll give my own opinions toward the end if you are curious, but first let's discuss both sides.

If Honeyfeather is not discovered, this leads a lot of the actions and drama in the hands of the game. Even though Honeyfeather killed four cats in one year, there is no certainty that she will continue to do things in the next year or the year after that. It's possible that she just chills around and nothing ever comes of her actions. Staying within the clan would make it easier for her to be close to her victims and her plan, or what I'm guessing her plan is, to become deputy then leader is far more achievable.

However, if Honeyfeather is discovered, that leads to more control in my hands. She would be exiled and I would watch over everything she does, looking out for any interactions and how she is feeling. If Beetleclan runs into rogues or loners, it's possible it could be her. If she thinks she ran into a clan cat, there is a chance Honeyfeather attacked them. It gives me more chance to throw together a story and make sure that she's making moves instead of waiting for the game to give me something.

I know it's probably obvious, but I would prefer if Honeyfeather was caught and exiled. It gives me more control over the story, allows me to roll with the generated punches, and lets me forge a story if even nothing really happens to Honeyfeather in year six.

Anyways, I'll be accepting votes for like two or three weeks, up to March 20th.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Teaser for Beetleclan Year 5!

It's been a while, but as promised, Beetleclan Year 5 is coming at the end of February, very soon. My ideal release dates are either this Saturday (24th) or Wednesday (28th), depending on how much I get done during this week.

This year has been absolutely insane. There are a lot of things going on and I can't wait for you guys to see what we are voting on for Year 6 because it's wild.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Beetleclan Year 5 Special!

I have been dying to do a special video going more in depth with these silly kitties for a while and want to do so every five years. Since I plan on roughly going for 20 to 25 years with this clan, that will give us a few specials to have fun and mess around with the clan in a not so serious or direct way.

A few things that need to be mentioned are that Year 5 is going to include a few things. If you don't want potential spoilers, just skip the rest of these paragraph. Basically, two things I'm going to be adding and doing are: 1, special pictures that show the entire clan together every five years, and 2, start to add some animatics for more serious or major events. This means that I might be adding some more personally generated events or laying off of natural disasters and conflicts in the clan for drama. I have one for year 5 and potentially one for year 6 planned. Speaking of, that animatic will rely on audience participation. I really love having community based poles on my community tab and just seeing what you guys think. So, I want to try leaving important polls avaliable after every episode to affect the outcome of certain plots and world building. The first will come in light of a Year 5 reveal.

Okay, so back to non-spoiler content. I have a lot of ideas for what kind of special I want to do and so, here are a few ideas in the poll. I am going to go into what each of these are more specially down below.

Option 1 - Behind the scenes.
There are a lot of things I just straight up don't get to talk about in video nor really show. This includes but is not limited to: the physical game, relationships that are neutral and/or not very strong, my notes and personal information about the characters, potential storylines that were removed and/or rewritten, and a lot my world building inside and around Beetleclan.

I adore these characters and this world, but, being completely honest, only a portion of things I've noticed has made it into the videos. I would love to tlak about casual Beetleclan stuff, explore the game file and showcase how it looks for me, talk about what is important in taking notes and transferring those into scripts, and maybe even going over headcanons I have.

Option 2 - Beetleclan as ___
I adore Warriors as random things videos and would love to make one for Beetleclan as a bit of fun. I genuinely have no idea what I would make that video as, but would probably have a voting to establish something we can generally all agree on. A few ideas I have are birds or flowers or candy or maybe a few very specific and obscure things.

Option 3 - Beetleclan as humans
In a similar vain to the second option, I like seeing the kitties as humans. It's cute and fun and gives me a moment to stretch my creative muscles. Keeping it completely honest though, I would only do the cats living as of Year 5. So that wouldn't include any important or favorite character that has died in the previous years and would only be limited to whoever is still around in Beetleclan in present day.

I would also not be doing full body shots and mostly like busts or headshots to save for time and the fact I am lousy with anatomy. Another thing is I have a Warriors as humans video sitting around in my back pocket with an idea/twist I've been really enjoying, so I would do something very similar for this video, which would give an extra element of fun world building that I hope would make it worth it.

Option 4 - Disussing designs
I spend pretty much all of my time talking about the characters personality and their events during the year/s that I hardly mention their appearances and how I come to interpret them. I try to stick close to their in-game sprites, but there are a lot of choices that go unsung about honoring their designs. And this doesn't even mention that designs change over time. Tom cats get beards, older cats get wrinkles, cats who have bangs get longer bangs, and so many other tiny bits I would love to gush about.

A video about designs would be taking about purely design elements of the characters and some details like genetics and family tree. Like which cats inherit their parents' fur shape and what does this long fur shape look like on a medium hair length cat and just a bunch of other minor things I do all of the time.

Option 5 - Smallclan deep dive.
Did you forget about Smallclan? Well, I haven't. I just got done playing through their second year and it's been really fun having a more casual clan to mess around with that still ties back to the grand story. Also, for anybody curious Beetleclan year 4 = Smallclan year 1 and Beetleclan year 5 = Smallclan year 2. It's a bit wonky, but it works out.

There are a lot of details and drama in Smallclan that are really interesting and just aren't talk about because we don't spend enough, if any, time with them. A deep dive would go into their world building and have a full clan line up while visiting their Starclan and seeing their dead cats from both years. They've been through a lot as well as Beetleclan, so there is still a lot to poke at and still not see the full picture.

Even if this option isn't picked, we'll be checking in on them at the end of the year with a quick update about their leader, deputy, and medicine cat/s to just see how both clans are doing and compare.

So, yeah, that's all five options and sorry this post is so long. I'm only going to do one of these options, but I truly do love them all and would more than happily do all of them if I didn't have only so much time. For any worried that picking one option for Year 5 is going to keep it not here for Year 10, don't worry. I won't be taking the chosen out of the roster for possible special ideas.

Voting is going to end in a week, by the 24th of January.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Teaser for Beetleclan Year 4!

I am finally close to finishing this vid. It's taken so long to get this put together because I struggled with a bit of lack of motivation. I plan on releasing this vid on Wednesday, aka the 17th, and having the Year 5 vid out by the end of February.

For Year 5, I want to do a special vid for a bit of fun. If you have any ideas on what you might want to see, feel free to leave them in the comment. I'll be putting together a few and voting on what to do in a different community post before Year 5 comes out.

Regardless, thanks for your patience and I hope that everything goes more smoothly in the future.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everybody!

No video today, unfortunately. I got quite busy with a lot going on in my personal life and haven't had the time to sit down and record another episode of the Clangen Lineage Challenge that we were doing, which sucks. I do have a video set up for Saturday, which should still be coming out then if I'm not too busy.

Coming out, hopefully, not next Tuesday, but the Tuesday after that should be another episode of Tuesday Talks about Lord of the Rings to round out the series with Return of the King. I've been chipping away at the audio books for the last week and a half while working, so I'm close to starting that drawing.

The Beetleclan Year 4 video is started, but not really near done. I have all of the living character sketches done and about half of the script done, but still need to do the lineart and Starclan cats and the rest of the script. I got a little too busy to continue with that at the moment.

Just a fair warning that I try to make most videos a few days in advance, so I have free time to work on other bigger videos. Because I haven't had to time to do either, next week might be wonky with uploads. Or I might figure it out and get things right back on track. Unsure, so just a heads up.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everybody!

I'm starting the production on the Beetleclan year 4 vid, which should be out in two to four weeks depending on outside factors. Currently I have a few videos planned for those Saturdays, but want to see what you guys think.

The two choices are both vids I'm going to post in the next two weeks, we're just trying to decide which one is going to happen first:

First option is a review of A Starless Clan's 4th book, Thunder. I'm almost done with my script and it's already over 20 pages and 6500 words. Not super detailed artwork, but a fun time.

Second option is part 3 of the Let's Make series, likely trying to figure out if Treeclan has neighbors and all of that or putting together designs and backstories.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

A teaser for Beetleclan Year 2!

I am chugging away at this video and it should totally be out on Saturday. I'm finished with a lot of it and have maybe 25% left to do, which shuold be easy. Very much on the downhill to finishing this video. Because of this vid and a MAP part I need to get working on, Antlerclan character drawings are going to take a while and probably be not this Tuesday but next Tuesday or even the one after that.

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

It's finally that time when we must say goodbye to having Russeteagle as our main character and pick one of her kits to carry on instead. These are the four surviving kits from her litter and all are just about to become apprentices, so it's a perfect time to choose so becomes our focus next.

For a quick reference:
Sagekit (Female) - Bossy, quick to help
Lightkit (Female) - Know-it-all, never sits still
Cloudykit (Female) - Know-it-all, quick to help and confident with words (currently sick with heat exhaustion)
Butterflykit (Male) - Know-it-all, lover of stories

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River's Witness
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everyone and so sorry for the silence so far. I'm finishing the Russeteagle video up and am a little over halfway through the art. It should be out for this Saturday, a whole two weeks later than I wanted it to be. No worries, everything will come out for Beetleclan in two weeks.

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