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Blue Beast RC

338 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Adult and kid bashing fun with RC Cars!!

Flying RC Cars #arrmaoutcast #arrmanotorious #arrmakraton #rcjump #rccrash Notorious backflips #arrmanotorious #rccar #rcbashing Who let the dogs out? #arrmaoutcast #arrmamojave #arrmanotorious #rcjump Spiderman / Deadpool into the multiverse #rcjump #rcfpv #arrmatyphon #arrmaoutcast #shorts #rccrash Nicey gets a smooth backflip #arrmakraton #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcfpv #shorts Riddler gets free #arrmakraton #arrmatyphon #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcfpv #shorts #rcrace 3 Amigos & Riddler jumping the ramp #arrmatyphon #arrmakraton #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rcfpv #shorts Riddler, Kraton & Outcast jumps #rcbashing #arrmaoutcast #arrmakraton #arrmatyphon #rcfpv #shorts Outcast FPV jumps - family bashing fun #arrmaoutcast #rccrash #rcjump #rcfpv #shorts Outcast run over by car #arrmaoutcast #rccrash #rccar #shorts #rcfpv RC Street Racing mishaps #arrmakraton #arrmatyphon #arrmanotorious #rcrace #rccrash #rcfpv #shorts Armma street racing - flips and crashes #arrmakraton #arrmatyphon #arrmanotorious #rcrace #rcfpv Nicey 1st time drive, watch out! #arrmamojave #arrmakraton #arrmanotorious #rcracing #rccrash #rcfpv Kraton 6s and Notorious in the streets #arrmanotorious #arrmakratonexb #shorts #rcracing #rcbashing Riddler taken for a rough ride #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rccrash #rcfpv #rcbashing #shorts Riddler & clown having fun #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rcjump #rccrash #shorts #rcfpv The Riddler along for a ride #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rcjump #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts Typhon 6s smackdown on Mojave #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rcjump #rccrash #shorts WATCH OUT!! #arrmatyphon #rcrace #shorts Split views Mojave flying #arrmamojave #rcjump #rccrash #rcfpv #rcflying #rcbashing #shorts RC Clowns in the street #arrmaoutcast #arrmamojave #rcbashing #rcrace #rccrash #short #rcfpv #rccar Dos Amigos sidewalk racing #arrmamojave #arrmatyphon #rcrace #rccrash #rcfpv #shorts HEY!! Watch where you're driving #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rcrace #rccrash #rcbashing #shorts Chasing cars Typhon on the run #arrmatyphon #arrmamojave #rccar #rcrace #rcfpv #rccrash #shorts Breaking the Typhon in on a ramp #arrmatyphon #rcbashing #rcjump #rccrash #shorts Typhon 6s on a ramp #arrmatyphon6s #rccar #rcbashing #rcjump #shorts Typhon pitching mound jumps & infield drifts #arrmatyphon #arrmatyphon6s #rcbashing #rcjump #rcdrift Kraton destroying the infield #arrmakraton @basherbodies7285 #rcjump #rccrash #rccar #shorts Typhon tough, rough hit and nice recover #arrmatyphon6s #rccar #rcbashing #rcjump #rccrash #shorts Blown tire and Typhon doing donuts #arrmatyphon #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts Typhon tumble but she's a tank #arrmatyphon #rcbashing #rcjump #rccrash #shorts Mound hopping and fence flipping Kraton #arrmakraton #rccrash #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts Outcast chill evening session #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rccar #rcbashing #rc #shorts El loco Mojave vs Tasmanian Typhon street race #arrmamojave #arrmatyphon6s #rcrace #rccrash #shorts Mini RC car vs Micro RC car - 2 best buddies forever #rcbashing #rccrash #rccar #shorts #rcracing First time Mojave driver with FPV camera, what could go wrong? #arrmamojave #rcbashing #rcjump First time jumper hits double backflip #arrmaoutcast #rccar #rcjump #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts First time jumper - gets jumped over #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcbashing #shorts First time Outcast driver - Meet J #arrmaoutcast #rccrash #rcjump #shorts Outcast triple backflip FPV - almost #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcbashing #rccar #shorts FPV Fronts flips landed #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rcbashing @CanadianRC96 @DozersRCPlay-vf4pd Front flip fails #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts #rccar #rcfpv What was that? Jump bloopers No.2 #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rcbashing #rcfpv #shorts #rccar #rccrash What was that? Jump bloopers. #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rcbashing #rcfpv #shorts #rccar #rccrash FPV backflip into double backflip #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcfpv #shorts #rcbashing #viral Failed double backflip FPV Outcast brothers #arrmaoutcast #rcjump #rccrash #rcfpv #rcbashing #shorts Smash that flower #arrmamojave #arrmatyphon6s #rcbashing #rccrash #shorts 4th of July golf cart parade drive by #arrmamojave #4thofjuly #parade #unitedstates #shorts #viral