Learn To Program!
Huw Collingbourne is the author of a number of programming books on subjects ranging from C and C# to Object Pascal, & Java (published by Dark Neon) and The Book Of Ruby (published by No Starch Press). He has also written books on programming topics ranging from pointers to recursion.
He is an experienced online instructor who has taught tens of thousands of people to program.
He wrote columns on Delphi, C#, Java and other languages for various UK magazines. He is the author of the Rants&Raves column which ran for many years in Computer Shopper Magazine and PC Plus. He programmed the Golden Wombat Of Destiny adventure game and developed visual design programming environments for SapphireSteel Software.
Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced programmer, Code With Huw aims to bring you some of the best programming tutorials to help you extend your knowledge and expertise.