in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
今日、湘南国際フルマラソンをコンプリートしました!すみません、ちょっと忙しいから今週の金曜日にティンパニの映像をアップする予定です!Today, I completed the Shonan International Full Marathon! I've been busy but I plan to upload a new timpani video this upcoming Friday! Thank you everyone for your support!
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The Going Home Project is having concerts this upcoming August 13th and 16th in the Seoul Arts Center.
It is a wonderful orchestra with musicians from around the World! I am joining the project to play timpani!
If interested, please come see the concerts!
Ticket information can be found in English here:
August 13th, Beethoven Symphony 6 and Overtures
August 16th, Beethoven Symphony 7 and Symphony 8
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日本フィル 首席ティンパニ奏者 エリック・パケラ
Musician, Karate Green Belt, JLPT N2 Certified, Basketball Fan, while currently living in Japan.
Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Principal Timpanist
Hello and Welcome to my Channel,
Timpani View ようこそ!
일본 필하모니 교향악단,팀파니,에릭 파케라