If your an expert witness, attorneys, technical and/or Toxic Tort, Clean Air Act and Federal Statue expert to help us: or Victim Torture Protection Act of 1991, expert, call us!! , call Phone:480-257-3321..Congress needs to get control of the out of control FBI, DOD, DARPA, and related US Air Force, FBI Fusion Centers in EVERY city to kill innocent Americans! US House and Congress have OVERSIGHT AND ABUSED THEIR "OVERSIGHT" OF FBI FUSION CENTERS AND OUR MILITARY KILLING/TORTURING INNCENT AMERICANS WITH MILITRY GRADE MICROWAVE NEURO WEAPONS AND NANOTECHNOLGOY AND NANOBOTS: SEACH: DIAGRAM OF A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL!! UNDER FISA SECRET EVIL COURTS, SEC. 702 TO BEING USED ILLEGALLY TO KILL AMERICANS! WE NEED "ALL HANDS ON DECK NOW!"