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Rainy Day Audios

34K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hi there! I'm an Australian voice actor who makes comfort au

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

It's Fireworks Day for a lot of people, which can sadly cause significant distress for many (particularly those with PTSD or anxiety). If you're struggling, here's an audio I made a while back. There's also a version where we watch a fireworks display together on Youtube, if you'd like. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. <3

141 - 53

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

Because Youtube requires it to be set "For Kids", comments are disabled on my latest video. If you'd like to post a comment, you can do so here. Please keep it mature and respectful!

58 - 9

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

These are stressful, anxiety-inducing and traumatic times for a lot of people. There is rightful indignation and anger that we're feeling in response to distressing and unacceptable injustices, and so our feelings serve a useful purpose in alerting us to things we want changed and motivating us to take action. However, we're still human and we have limits as to what we're able to witness, experience, feel and process. This can be particularly overwhelming in the face of back-to-back trauma (such as the recent pandemic) whose effects are often multiplicative. We aren't meant to be confronted with the kind of overwhelming, distressing and emotionally provocative information which is shared on social media in huge quantities. It can be hard to look away, particularly when feeling a sense of social responsibility to continue being engaged and informed of what's going on, but witnessing that kind of human suffering can take a huge toll on our wellbeing. Please. Give yourself the opportunity to take a break from social media when you need it. Stretching yourself past breaking point does nothing for anyone, and only makes you less able to fight sustainably. Take a break, recharge and recover. Gather your energy again so that you can do some more in your own time. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.

Take care of yourselves, please. Especially my little black rainclouds.

Much love,

68 - 0

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

In case you don't follow me on Twitter, I thought I'd post this update here too:

I'm probably going to take some time off recording due to some personal issues, though who knows, I may end up recording some things as a way of coping. Please take good care of yourselves, my rainclouds. And if you're in need of company, my Stardew playthrough is a good idea.

463 - 67

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

AdSense just emailed me, I've earned $500 in total from my channel! Thank you! Not much for 3 years worth of work, but I don't do it for the money. I earn a lot less because I refuse to use video ads that may startle or trigger you, or delay you from accessing audios in a crisis. It is a very significant difference in earnings compared to other channels, but I would gladly prioritise the wellbeing of my listeners ahead of financial gain any day. Comfort, safety and valuing listener wellbeing are the hallmarks of this channel and something I would not trade for anything.

Most of my income is from the generous support of the rainclouds on Patreon, though sadly it isn't enough to cover all of my expenses, but every little bit is appreciated and your support means so much to me. We've built a lovely community around it, too.

I'm keenly aware the majority of my audience doesn't have the financial stability to support me, particularly as many are young, queer and mentally ill. I never want anyone to be financially struggling because they supported me, so please only do so responsibly and sustainably.

Whether you have the ability to support me financially or you leave nice supportive comments and appreciate my work, I want to thank you. It's been a rocky journey and there's been plenty of ups and downs, quiet periods and bursts of activity, a lot of growth and experimentation, but this channel remains one of the things I'm most proud of. I'm seeing a lot of people find value in these audios (and even the gaming videos) in these difficult times, particularly when we're feeling isolated, stressed, unsafe and in need of comfort or escapism. I'm really happy that I can provide some help to so many people and it fulfils some of my core values, which is far more important than money. Thank you for listening, for watching, for commenting and sharing and interacting, for supporting me however you can. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for the channel and for all of us, my little rainclouds.

606 - 60

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 4 years ago

Some listeners and patreon supporters have requested another Q&A video, so if you have some more questions for me to answer, feel free to leave them in a comment here!

147 - 43

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 5 years ago

Life has a lot of clutter. Little things that impact us. Refusing to pick up and sort things because they're "so small" or "insignificant" or that it's "stupid to care about them" means your room stays messy and those things continue to affect you. We need to acknowledge the little things and take care of them, process them and sort them and make space for them. Otherwise they stay cluttering our floor, tripping us up and hurting our feet. We won't have space for the important things we want to feature in our rooms (lives).

It's okay to be upset by things. It's okay for things to impact you. It's okay to feel things about events or situations or people, no matter how "small" you think it is. You fear people judging you for caring about things, but who doesn't care about the content of their life? It isn't always about the 'big picture' or the 'grand scheme of things'. It's okay to care about stuff you tell yourself is 'petty'. Life isn't a big picture, it's a series of little ones. A movie. Take in the details of each frame, good and bad. Process the whole experience.

It's okay for your bad mood to be greater than the sum of its parts. To be overwhelmed by lots of things piling up. Don't judge yourself or shame yourself for that, it doesn't mean you're weak or sensitive. It's your body trying to tell you that you need to do some cleaning. Schedule some time today to listen with yourself. Check in with yourself and find out what's in need of being sorted and processed and tidied up. What's been hanging around that you haven't acknowledged and addressed? What needs to be put to bed? Give that to yourself, please.

This audio may be helpful for you to do that. Mindfulness meditation, journaling, talking with a friend or seeing your therapist, whatever form of self-awareness you need. Check in with yourself and take care of things. You deserve that. Get your house in order.

61 - 1

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 5 years ago

Congratulations, my little rainclouds. You made it through another year, and another decade. A lot of people have difficulty at this time of year for various reasons, so I wanted to repost this audio and offer some comfort and company with a bit of a New Year's experience: watching some Australian fireworks together. This may be particularly helpful if you have PTSD or anxiety around fireworks, too.

I hope your 2020 is full of joy, fulfilment and compassion towards yourself. Try not to get hung up on rigid and unrealistic expectations for yourself, often we make very limiting and intimidating resolutions which set us up for failure and disappointment. Just try to do your best, and recognise that "your best" is a subjective standard which changes to reflect your situation, health and capacity at the time. "Your best" tomorrow may be very different from "your best" six months ago and six months from now. Please be kind and understanding to yourself the way you would anyone else.

90 - 10

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 5 years ago

The holiday season is very challenging for many of us with difficult families. Here's a reminder that you are not your family and that it's okay to prioritise your own safety over expressing yourself at all times. You are not a coward, fraud or bad example to others by staying safe, you are following your prime directive, the most important responsibility is to yourself and your safety.

This link may be helpful too:…

89 - 8

Rainy Day Audios
Posted 5 years ago

Slay the Spire is also 50% off in the Steam winter sale! I believe this is the cheapest it's ever been, so if you've been interested in playing it yourself, now is a good time!

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