Welcome to The Fox Restaurant! Meet the Family of Wild Foxes in the UK that I feed.
'Robert' is the Dog Fox and 'Little Mum' is the Vixen. 'Madame French' is one of last years Cubs, 'Trouble', 'Bongo' and 'Limpy' are this years Cubs. Limpy is the runt of the litter and has had the problem with his leg since first seen.
It started in May 2018 when we found 2 Cubs beside our house who both were being looked after by an old Dog Fox. The Cubs kept coming back to our house and we started feeding them a few leftovers. We named them 'Sausage Boy' & 'Pom-Pom tail'. Sausage moved on to his own territory in January 2019 and Pom-Pom stayed around and got renamed 'Little Mum' as she still looked tiny when she turned up pregnant in Spring of 2019. She had 4 Cubs in 2019, 1 of which is still with the family group, and another 4 Cubs in 2020.
We live in the South East of England with our Border Collie called 'Freddie' and a Cat called 'Chopper'.
Hope you enjoy them as much as i do!