Enagic Team is a group of successful
home business entrepreneurs who are eager to
help you and your family lead a healthy life.
Kangen Water is a trademark of Enagic, a global
company based in Japan, and right now Enagic
has already established more than 23 branch
office all around the world including INDIA
startin on February Ist, 2016.
Some Facts About Kangen ater
Kangen Water is used in over 100 hospitals and
medical clinics in Japan for its scientifically
documented health benefits. It is produced by a
medical device which prescribed for home use
by Japanese physicians.
Kangen Water is a "free radical Scavenger with
measurable antioxidant properties which are
many times higher than any food or nutritional
supplement on the market. Research shows that
Kangen Water assists in repairing damaged DNA
Kangen Water provides a way for toxins to exit
the body by neutralizing the positive, cationic
charge with its abundant free electrons. Toxins
stored in fat