Серж Лурьи читает свои стихи и прозу..
Serg Luryi reads his poetry..
Serge Luryi began his research career at Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ) in 1980. He rose to prominence at Bell as a semiconductor device physicist and inventor. Bell Labs recognized his achievements by a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff award.
A preeminent research scientist, he was appointed as Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
By 2018 he has published over 250 papers and has been awarded 54 U.S. patents in the areas of high-speed electronic and photonic devices, material science, sensor systems and electronic packaging.
Through out his Research career, Serge was writing poetry and prose, mostly in Russian, his native language.
Serge published his literary works under the pseudonym Clittariy Hilton..
About Serg Luryi