i am sixteen and i am a major jesusfreak. If anybody would like to know more about Jesus Christ, our Lord, and savoir. Then please email me at
I am going to give you something to think about. Lets say you are right and there is no god and when we die we just die and we don't go anywhere. well i lived the way i wanted to live and you lived the way you wanted to live. Lets say i'm right and your wrong well then you die and go to hell and i go to heaven. either way i win and you win only one way. And for your sake you better be right cuz if i am right then you will be bowing down before God begging for mercy and you shall recieve none.
IF ANYONE wantes to know anything about ABORTION then go to truth about abortion and
abortion...just a tissue or something more.
i am also an anime fan.
i am now an american soldier