Delhi Special School is a second home for children with special needs. It is a project of EquShine Global Foundation, a non-profitable organization working for the children's with Special Needs we are provide services:9810841082,9718191212
🔸 Boys Hostel for Special children
🔸 Vocational Training
🔸 ABA Therapy
🔸 Speech Therapy
🔸 Occupational Therapy
🔸 Physiotherapy
🔸 Early Intervention
🔸 Behavioural Therapy
#besthostelforcwsnindelhi #hostelforautism
#bestboyshostelindelhi #prevocational #delhispecialschoolinnajafgarh #hostelforcwsn #equshineglobalfoundation #nios #graceautismtherapycentre #speechtherapy #vocationaltraining #specialeducation #earlyintervention #autismschoolinnajafgarh
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