Hi There! We are Jeremy and Tiff, a Christians couple from Taiwan, Asia. In this channel, you'll find a range of Mandarin worship songs from covers, live sessions to the original songs which have been created and recorded from us. Wish you have a good time here. We are so appreciated your support thru commenting, liking and subscribing!
Hello, 歡迎來到Jeremy & Tiff 的YouTube頻道。
我們是來自台灣的基督徒夫妻,這個頻道會有我們翻譯成中文的詩歌, 一些我們和敬拜團一起的現場敬拜片段,以及我們的原創詩歌。希望可以分享一些我們有的資源給使用中文/華語的基督徒們。如果你喜歡我們的內容,歡迎訂閱或留言給我們!祝你有個美好的一天~