Yet another furlough pilot making videos..
Since i was two i wanted to fly planes, my first time at the controls was at 8 years old in a PA-28, i could barely see out of the cockpit and spent the whole time with my eyes glued to the artificial horizon trying to keep it level...
At 10 i was flying RC planes then came my first computer and thousands of hours Microsoft Flight sim in witch i taught my self instruments flying...
I was so confident in my skills, that when my instructor asked me to take him back to the airport, on my first flight i went for the OBS, centered the CDI and pointed my hand at it, he scolded and slapped in my hand, told me that VFR pilots fly with their buttocks...
I get bored flying from A to B, i spent most of my private and commercial hours doing touch and go's, so i might upload a lot of landing videos...
Se habla Español.
X-Plane 11