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Stephanie Metz

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Stephanie Metz creates biomorphic abstract sculpture that ex

Behind the scenes making #reflectedcolor wall sculptures spray painting bright #pink paint on felt This started out egg-shaped, inspiring these pod forms. What will hatch out? #stonecarving #process Flesh and bone combined in a sculpture, but this time it's marble, not wool! #stonecarving #pink #reflectedcolor on my stitched felt #wallsculpture Reflected pink on white wool felt with various lighting conditions #reflectedcolor #pinkart 'Bird watching' when your art keeps looking back at you. #wooldrawing #fancypigeon #modenapigeon Experiments with #reflectedcolor and the added effect of sunshine! #pink #stitchedart #feltart Recognize the source images or ideas for some of these organic #objectofintrigue #wooldrawings ? That's not ink, charcoal, or paint, those are WOOL FIBERS poked through the paper! #wooldrawing Making peace with uncontrollable life through art #woolart #wooldrawing #organicart Adding the black wool to create shadows and depth on a #wooldrawing. #woolart #drawingwithwool Poking & pushing wool into a #wooldrawing. #organicinspiration #woolart #stephaniemetz 'Sweet Spot'- something simple that becomes magical when you pay attention. #wonderspaces Just finished this #tabbycat #wooldrawing made of wool poked through paper using a #felting needle. #unicorn #skull with #lilyflower illustration: faith in the unprovable #unicornskull #shorts #feltart & #porcupinequills make for threatening art apparently! #scaryart Preparing a #teddybear #wetspecimen with isopropyl alcohol... #creepycute Where do teddy bears come from? Like all animals, they start small... #teddybearbaby #creepycute Felt stitched wall sculpture + reflected pink = #opticalillusion #fiberart #feltart #eggshell + #feltedwool requires a lot of patience... #woolart #feltart #feltsculpure Here's my process for making a #wooldrawing by poking wool through paper. #needlefelting 3D-looking image is FLAT paper that I've 'drawn' on by poking brown and black wool thru #wooldrawing Teddy Bear Skull Anatomical Changes Over Time Teddy Bear Skull Origins