A young genius sharing tools for a curious life.
Making 🎥 since 2013.
But found a way to change the world via ✍️handwriting & 🏃movement.
For more than 10 years, I've been creating films, documentary, animated and exlerimental, exploring my culture and making contributions to it, and in 2018 I started things called Versingforms, which are poems converted into visuals, word by word. I also explore and reinvernt moving around the city with Ruh project, and work on art experiments. Right now I'm focused on doing the world's first physical operating system based on ✍️handwriting, for creatives and people who want a more curious and playful life or who are weary about how much tech influences their everyday life. I'm also making and sharing Versingforms, when a poems are converted to images with another writing technique.