11 Days and a Wake Up is a True Life War Documentary about the Battle of Wanat which happen on July 13, 2008 in Wanat Afghanistan in OEF VIII Operation Enduring Freedom. The Chosen Few platoon made up of 26 US Army 173rd Airborne 503rd Infantry 2nd Battalion Chosen Company, Fort Benning, GA. Based out of Vicenza, Italy.
With 14 days left in a 15 month combat deployment, Chosen company was ordered to close their COP combat outpost Bella and relocate their platoon to the city of Wanat Afghanistan setting up a new COP named after their recently killed platoon leader, Sgt Matthew Kahler.
The Army called the secret mission, Operation Rock Move, a Main Effort Mission at the highest priority in the Afghanistan War.
The Taliban ambush attack left the Army and Chosen company with 9 KIA and 27 seriously wounded.
The Battle of Wanat is still today the single deadliest loss of life battle in the current 19 year Afghanistan War.
Ryan Pitts received the Medal of Honor for his actions.