After 30 years as a personal trainer and functional movement specialist, posture therapy is the missing link to keep clients injury free and performing their best.
We spend so much of our day seated, staring at a screen, driving everywhere…causing us to have tight hips and slouched posture. Not to mention our unique injury history, way of sleeping, sitting, sports and work affect our posture daily.
It makes sense you’d benefit from a personalized series of exercises and stretches to put you into better alignment so you can feel and perform your best.
This daily movement practice is custom designed to rebalance your body's alignment and function. A movement practice that changes the same way your lifestyle changes from season to season…as your activities, sports, work or life changes.
Your personalized daily movement practice reinforces the work your chiropractor, acupuncturist and massage therapists do and prepares your body for exercise, sports or just living your best life.