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Read The BIBLE to know more about The OMNIPOTENT SOURCE the

THANK YOU LORD FOR PEACE JOY LOVE & ABUNDANT BLESSINGS #lGodCreator #befaithful #prayer #shorts LISTENING & ACCEPTANCE OF ADVICE IS THE KEY TO SAFETY #spiritualadvice #hear #wisdom #Prayer #Shorts SUBMIT YOUR WORRIES TO GOD HIS HAS PLANS FOR YOU #beprayerful #befaithful #behumble #shorts GOD LOVES YOU! DO YOU LOVE GOD? TALK TO HIM #Beprayerful #befaithful #Pray #shorts PRAYER IS ABOUT ALIGNING & SURRENDERING OURSELVES WITH GOD #Creator #befaithful #beprayerful #shorts THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE #befaithful #GodFearing #beprayerful #Shorts RECEIVE COMPLETE DELIVERANCE & GREAT MIRACLES SURRENDER #AlmightyGod #behumble #befaithful #shorts TO BE PURIFIED SPIRITUALLY FOLLOW GOD’S PERFECT FOR U #beObedient #beprayerful #prayer #shorts BE KIND HUMBLE & BE A PEACE MAKER AS A CHILD OF GOD #goodfollower #obedience #Prayerful #shorts IF YOU’RE OBEDIENT TO GOD TAKE CARE THE LESS FORTUNATE #bekind #love #respect #beprayerful #shorts IN TIMES OF TRIALS & STORMS IN LIFE STRUGGLES GOD HELP YOU #TrustGod #unfailingloce #prayer #shorts LET GOD OPEN YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES & RECEIVE MIRACLES #beprayerful #befaithful #Prayer #shorts BE FREE FROM GUILT OF SUPERFICIAL WORSHIP REPENT & CONFESS TO GOD #surrender #beprayerful #shorts BE FREE FROM TROUBLE & TORMENT SEEK GOD’S WISDOM & GUIDANCE #Savior #faith #believe #Prayer #shorts GOD’S PROMISED IN OUR LIVES IS FOREVER FAITHFUL #claimit #FaithfulCreator #trust #prayer #shorts ASK GOD’S HELP FOR YOUR SICKNESSES & BE HEALED COMPLETELY #HealingPrayet #BelieveReceiver #shorts SPEAK YOUR LONGINGS TO GOD BELIEVED & RECEIVE IT #begrateful #LordGodCreator #beprayerful #shorts HIS PLANS ARE GREATER THAN OURS SUBMIT YOUR FEARS & FRUSTRATIONS #tTrustLordGod #prayer #shorts YOUR FAMILY MIGHT LEAVE YOU BUT GOD NEVER LEAVE YOU, HE LOVES YOU #trust #thecreator #prayer #Shorts LEAVE YOUR WORRIES TO GOD AND HE WILL CARES FOR #Faith #hope #trust #beprayerful #shorts THE LORD’S ANGELS TALK TO PEOPLE IN DISGUISED AS STRANGERS #beloving #bekind #prayer #Shorts RECEIVE NEVER ENDING MERCY PEACE JOY & LOVE FROM GOD #faithful #beprayerful #begrateful #shorts TO BECOME BLESSED IN THE EYES OF GOD IS TO OBEY HIS WORDS #beprayerful #beobedient #shorts THE WATCHFUL EYE OF THE WORLD THERE’S NO HARD FOR HIM #thecreator #prayer #trust #faith #shorts FOR A PEACEFUL LIFE SURRENDER & ADMITT Our SINS #confession #prayer #shorts BE NOT AFRAID OF TROUBLES GOD PROMISED HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US #TrustGod #havefaith #shorts BE HUMBLE SURRENDER & ACKNOWLEDGE GOD LOVE #trustCreator #faith #prayer #Shorts BOOSTING FAITH & TRUST GOD’S PLAN Will CHANGE LIFE #befaithful #beprayerful #prayer #shorts A GOOD HEART FORGIVE & BE FORGIVEN IN HEAVEN #bekind #begood #beobedient #prayer #shorts MOLDING THE FUTURE OF A CHILD #parenttask #Godfearing #ObedientChild #Prayer #shorts BELIEVE & RECEIVE MIRACLES OF YOUR PRAYERS #befaithful #beprayerful #BelieveinGod #prayer #shirts PURER IN HEART IS WHAT THE LORD GOD WANTS IN US #faithfulheart #loving #Shorts THE STRONG HOLD IN THE DAYS OF TROUBLES #faith #believe #beprayerful #trust #shorts SUFFERINGS & STORMS IN LIFE JESUS CAN HELP YOU #trust #beprayerful #Faith #shorts WALK WITH FAITH & GAIN SALVATION STRENGTH & REFUGE #beprayerful #befaithful prayer #shorts DON’T DELAY SEEK & CALL HIM WHILE HE STILL LISTEN #prayer #trust&faith #beprayerful #Shorts HE IS THE JUST GOD HIS SOVEREIGNTY REIGNS FOREVER #faithful #loving #prayer #LordGod #shorts NOTHING HIDE IN HIS SIGHT TRUST HIM AND BE SAVED #trust&believe #AlmightyGod #beprayerful #shorts YOU’LL BE BLESSED ABUNDANTLY IF YOU SEEK GOD’s GRACE #Trust #Obedient #prayer #Shorts NEVER DISCONNECT TO THE VINE TO LIVE LONGER #befaithful #GodistheVine #beprayerful #shorts LEAVE BEHIND YOUR OLD WAYS EMBRACE YOUR NEW IDENTITY #GodCanChangeYou #beprayerful #prayer #shorts RETURN TO HIM AND HE WILL RETURN TO YOU #Sustainyourfaith #befaithful #beprayerful #shorts HE’S VERY LOVING & MERCIFUL TO ALL HIS PEOPLE #GodTheFather #beprayerful #faithfull #prayer #shorts PRAYER BEFORE BED | A PEACEFUL SLEEP PROTECTION #bedtime #prayerofprotection #TrustGod #Shorts HE SAVED THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IN DIFFICULT & PAINFUL SITUATION # #Prayer #GodSavedPeople #Shorts A PRAYER OF HEALING & DELIVERANCE OF BONDAGE OF SICKNESSES #faith #prayer #TrustinGod #shorts A FREEDOM TO LOVE & SERVE OTHERS GENEROUSLY #greatsacrificed #bethankful #Jesuslovesypu #shorts SURRENDER AND TALK TO HIM WITH HUMBLE HEART #thankfulness #prayer #shorts