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5G YouthBasel🇨🇭

24 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Who is 5G ?:* - International Christian youth group based in

Bible is the only book that has historical and archaeological evidences for investigation. The gospel will be preached to the end of the world.​⁠full@DLMChristianLifestyle Judge BUT don’t condemn 👉🏽​⁠full @DairyofaCEO Why mankind is so special? Full interview ​ @ApologeticsCanada Moralism wouldn’t save Prt2 . @WesHuff Interview with Joe Rogan Part1 @WesHuff does moralism need a savior Do you know the foundation of western civilizations? 👆🏽 Y society hate CHRISTmas- he speaks against their lustful desires and Egos. Siimple.@5GBasel Who is a true follower of Jesus? See video👉🏽@GodLogicApologetics 90%genZ are clueless about who JESUS is. When did he became a muslim😂🤣! 👉🏽@GodLogicApologetics Jesus is God —more questions? 👉🏽videos @LFTV and @SOBEIT32AD It is all over in the old and New Testament. Genesis 1:26 John1:1-12 They don’t know that God is omnipotent and transcendent. beyond human logic. He can create. What/who is the anti-Christ? Full video @anilkanda611 And the Word became flesh. God is out of space and time God has no gender but decide to reveal himself to us as „He“ full video @CapturingChristianity Code Sinaticious is the oldest Bible . Full video @juliandoreyclips Wes in @juliandoreyclips Which verification Method? Wes asked Billy Carson What do submit to prov.22.5 #christiangospel Wow! Genealogy of Jesus down to the first man -Adam #gospel Bible and yet you doubt? #biblememory Morals with out the Creator is like a body without it head. #jesus #gospel #humanism Why Christians keep telling about #jesus #gospel #shorts Muslim woman storms into church shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'I am here to kill the God of theJews' Prayer you should pray for you, friends this #genz #nextgen #futuregeneration #aigeneration Part3 Romans1:15-21 see long video #geschichte #bibellesen #todayverse #christianshorts Part 2 Youth read the Bible Ro1:8-14 see long video #thebible #bibelspiel #romans1 Youth read Bible to youth. Ro.1:1-7 see long video #geschichte #bibleconnectiongame #biblereading #AliceCooper is now a Christian #geschichte #commentsection #commentsectionstories CommentSection Testimonies #atheism #atheismus Part 2 Christianity summarized Christianity summarized part 1 See the reactions - when Jesus is mentioned in the public. #biblegame #stickmanbiblegames #spiel #games #youthministry Games #spiel #youthministry #youthclub #interactiveactivities #bibelspiel Modern youth: #bibleconnectiongame #biblegame #bibelspiel #baselEvents Part2 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇨🇭 #bibleconnectiongame #youthministry #gospelmusic #studentenleben Part1 #bibleconnectiongame #spiel #baselevent #youthclub See complete video. #audiostories #audioshorts #testimonies #christianstories #audiobooks Quiz A oder B #quiz #quizzeit #trivia #quizze #fakten #wissen #allgemeinwissen #rätsel #quiznacht #biblequiz #shortgames #viralquiz #geschichte #emojiquiz Guess the Bible character: Judas or Zacchaus #biblequiz #quiz #love #emojiquiz #stickman #games 5. Juli 2024 #biblecharacters #stickmanquiz #emojigames #digitalgames #youthgamres #5gstickmanquiz #biblequiz #stickman #biblequiz #stickmanbiblequiz #gameideas #emojiquiz Stockman biblequiz #music #stickman #stickmanbiblequiz #emojiquiz Freestyle - I smile -Kirk Franklin I ll follow him by Andrè Rieu - another version by BB