Dr. Michele Williams has taught negotiations at leading schools of management for over 10 years. She is co-author of the Four Capabilities Assessment for leaders and has a background in inclusion. She speaks widely in three areas:
1) How corporate leaders, educators and healthcare professionals can "Build Collaborative Inclusive Cultures."
2) Women in Leadership
3) Leadership Capabilities
4) Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
The research of Dr. Williams (University of Michigan, Ph.D.) addresses three challenges that organizations face:
Trust and RelationshipsâBuilding, maintaining and repairing trust in team-based relationships and across demographic & organizational boundaries; Sustaining high-performing relationships.
Leading through Chaosâ How sensemaking capabilities can foster better decisions in a complex, unpredictable world.
Women in Leadership & Entrepreneurshipâ Gender equity; factors affecting women as team members, boundary spanners, and business owners