Hey everybody! You can call me Lucky, and this is The Captain's Quarters!
Anyways, I want to clear up a few things that may be a bit confusing:
1. What's an AMV?
It stands for "Anime Music Video". When you take clips from a favorite anime or manga series and put them to music or other sounds, viola, you have an AMV! I make mainly Kingdom Hearts AMVs, so go check 'em out!
2. What's a MMV?
It's what I call a "Movie Music Video". You take clips from movies you like and add music or other cool sounds to them. It's the same thing as an AMV, only with movies. I make those too.
3. What's a "Machinima"?
A machinima is a movie made using video games. For instance, if I were to take a bunch of clips of my friends and I playing Halo, added voices or music, then I'd have a machinima. I plan on doing a few of these in the future.