Welcome to Bajan Karaoke where you can find all the most up to date information you'd need, for the best night of karaoke fun in Barbados...Big, Small, Classy or Exotically themed venues, we've been there! Let us guide you.
And... if you are a die-hard enthusiast...www.bajankaraoke.info is our dedicated website with fresh recordings every month, and online competitions every week. You can rate songs to win prizes or arrange to be recorded at upcoming Party-O-Kee events so "you" can be entered in an online competition as well.
Get your recording on the spot that night, or if you really want demo quality,schedule an In-House recording session with us!
Bajan Karaoke is a subsidiary of the Online Seeker Business Club and your membership entitles you to instant rewards from any of our services...and with those of businesses that are advertized in our Business Directory
Have fun with Bajan Karaoke Join the Online Seeker Business Club (RATE - RECORD - RECOMMEND)