(you can download mp3's now!)
I can usually have music or sheet music done within 3 days of its request... send a PRIVATE MESSAGE with your e-mail and your request (don't post your e-mail in a comment! The creepers'll see it!)
As far as I know, I am currently up-to-date on requests... if you sent one in and I haven't answered it yet, SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE (I'm human, sorry!)
The exception to this is the person who requested the theme to Blue Lagoon, I'm still working on it...
People have already requested these, so I can e-mail them right away. They're already done!
~ALL VIDEOS now have sheet music done, plus...~
Yuki Kajiura/NOIR- Romance (with OR without chords!)
Yuki Kajiura- Ensei/Mezame Combined OR separate
Yoko Shimomura/Kingdom Hearts- Passion
Nobuo Uematsuo/Final Fantasy- To Zanarkand