I have success making music *happen* and getting known talent getting off the ground from the start, and I resuscitated the career of a dj and continued his celebrity for nearly a decade when, according to Billboard Magazine, he had been virtually written off as a "has been". It takes surgical planning and meticulous execution, as well as being very lean.
I understand the most complicated facets of the music biz, including intellectual property rights, music publishing and strategy for longterm success. I work with professionals, and we do a lot of work behind-the-scenes and with absolute discretion to help Artists thrive. I am passionate about music and love my work as a music producer+publisher+distributor, record label, artist manager, sound system representative (Craig Bernabeu's SBS Slammer www.sbsSLAMMER.com with showroom at Analog BKNY www.analogbkny.com), DJ/musician and especially mentor to new talent.