I'm a Certified Master Hypnotist and Nationally Certified Relational Recovery Coach and I want to help untangle the fear and confusion that is often felt during life's unexpected situations. This is where people come to get their life back after Betrayal, Emotional Abuse, Childhood trauma, Relationship struggles and to break free from repeating life patterns. Get off the hamster wheel of the recovery world and become your own hero! I am trauma sensitive Hypnotherapist / Coach who works with spiritually minded people looking to take charge of their own lives while breaking the chains of the past. If you are looking for overall empowerment for this current season of your life then you are in the right place. My goal is to assist people on their path to wholeness and strength in order for them to be able to make life decisions from a place of peace and safety. Let's curate a life by your own design! (previously know as Coach Ketra)