in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
音樂分享 - 聖誕臨近,會唔會想聽啲另類啲嘅聖誕歌?
Introducing “Christmas Time is Here (Markus Enochson Remix)
送上一首空氣感濃厚嘅節日歌曲,從旋律可以感受到一切都好free ,好隨意,好Relaxing 。
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當大家都好鍾意另外嗰隻Chiikawa 嘅時候,我會覺得Sunsun 有深度好多喎
「藍毛毛Sunsun 與雪人Nonnon 買咗「方包三文治」後諗住搵公園野餐,殊不知在森林迷路。樂天嘅Sunsun唸住就地野餐,點知停低就開始畀蚊針。
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[爭分奪秒at 関西空港]飛機21:02開機門,跑上機場單軌列車,log in 「visit Japan web」扲QR Code,21:07過完海關,除後係扲行李,用自助機scan passport scan QR code 過電子申報關閘,再跑去車站,拎火車pass,再跳上21:25開嘅Haruka列車去京都,23分鐘完成原來真係趕得到班車,超Amazed。(不過真係要好熟整個流程先做得到)
PS: 最緊要係拎火車pass嘅時候,千祈唔好扮識日文撳日文版,上次我哋中過招,原來日文版係完全唔會有攞火車pass嗰個按鈕,公司應該設計到只有乜都唔識嘅旅客,先至需要火車pass,所以只係設計咗英文版操作系統有個個案按鈕。
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刺蝟探險家:喜歡跑步、旅行、外語、音樂、設計。歡迎收看及訂閲YouTube 頻道,頻道內容會定期更新。一切皆由我的視角出發,歡迎與我一起感受我的世界觀。
Enchanté! I enjoy jogging, travels, culture and languages as well as things that are aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes. Welcome to my channel, here is the world from my perspective.
It is hereby declared that in response to discovery of individuals who have stolen videos from this channel & posted them on other YouTube channels or online media, we take this opportunity to make a stern statement. The videos of "Hedgie’s Travelogue" will only appear on this YouTube channel platform. Any other copies or components of the same video(s) are unrelated to our team and are considered unauthorized. This channel reserves the right to pursue legal action against any loss resultant from such acts of video theft.