We are a happy group of 15 people who love editing, anime, manga and of course having fun! This Studio was founded on 2010 and the main objective was getting the chance to work with new people and having fun by chatting and editing. We aren't looking for new members and we won't hold auditions. Universe Power was meant to be a closed group of friends only and we'd like to keep it that way.
β¬γγγγMEMBER LISTγγγγβ¬
β Darkariss
β xMaoStar
Γ Celuchiha
Γ Cure4ever079
Γ MikhailGodOfChaos
Γ NekoShib
Γ Princessofhell94
Γ Usagiprincess55
Γ xAggs
Γ xChesireRawr
Γ xDelorian
Γ xPrettySkyx
Γ XxCureBlack94xX
Γ Xx7WhiteSoulxX
We seem to be pretty inactive right now but we'll do our best and upload more meps/collabs here. So if you want to receive bulletins about new meps, videos, etc., either subscribe or add this channel as a friend! All friend invites are welcome!