NEWEST: Enjoy listening to refreshing hymns of the faith? With the talent God has given me, just wanted to be a blessing like others have been to me with their talents of musicianship for the Lord. Piano playing after our livestream at our church from hymnals Rejoice & Living Hymns along with other specials from various members & guests.
If you like vintage commercials from 1960's to mid 90's, I have compilations of them all edited as best they can captured from VHS/Beta tapes.
Like Minecraft? Have a Let's Present series from the Xbox 360. These were my passion back in 2013 to 2015.
Still love landscaping in Minecraft.
A couple of Roblox videos, a multiplayer platform for gaming on the computer, has been a delight, and continues to be. Fun to create avatars.
Updated 2-7-2024