Who does not know this one bird, yes kacer bird. This bird has become one of the most popular types of chirping birds among bird lovers. and is a fighting bird. This bird has a unique characteristic and style called ngobra. when it is done while opening the tail, then his appearance will look more manly. Some people buy kacer birds in a condition that is still going from the forest. Most of them are not fully used to humans, so they still tend to be wild and difficult to tame. It's a different case if we buy kacer from captivity. The kacer bird will if it is cared for properly later it can be diligent in sounding But actually this is not enough, because his mentality has not been tested and it is easy to drop if he is contested. In addition to not being able to perform optimally, kacer also cannot issue a ngobra style and open the tail which is actually only a characteristic, but can also be given to birds with a fighting mentality.