Annyong everyone! My name is MissC, and I've been a hardcore K-Pop fangirl since 2003! Throughout the years, my love for K-Pop has grown, peaked, and waned. I still love to dance though and I mostly upload my covers of urban/street choreo & the occasional kpop on my IG @x82carmen28x. I've seen my old beloved K-Pop obsessions grow old and move on with their musical careers, but still love checking in every now and then :) BTS and Blackpink will always have a soft spot in my heart. Nowadays the adult life has taken over, but I love checking in on the industry! For all your K-pop needs, follow my K-Pop dance cover group, K.Aire, which I founded at the University of Oregon! They're still going 8 years strong!!
For more of me, my active channel is now Carmen Travels where I document my new found passion for worldwide travel! See ya'll there!!