Welcome to Sunrise Paradise!
With great excitement, I'd like to invite you to join me on a journey of wonderful discoveries and experiences:
~ finding and enjoying the simple pleasures in life: allowing ourselves to discover and appreciate the big things or little things that make our lives a better one.
~ chasing our dreams: if we still have that dream (or dreams) we wished we could have achieved, it's never too late to start pursuing it. Perhaps we could deal with the 'smaller' dreams first, it's afterall, still a dream!
~ If there is that something about ourselves or our lives we have been wanting to change, but never get to doing it; it could be a habit or a lifestyle; take that action today! Stop the thinking and just do it!!
Carpe Diem!!
欢迎来到 Sunrise Paradise, 梦想天地!
~ 寻找平凡日子里的温馨与安乐: 不论大小, 这些生活里的点点滴滴就是 我们的幸福。
~ 我们一起追梦吧! 如果你和我一样,还有梦想; 现在还不迟!! 让我们一一
挑战它们吧! 可以从小小梦想开始,让我们一起努力完成我们的梦想吧!!
~ 如果你也和我一样,想要改变一下自己或自己的生活; 那就别等了,马上行动吧!