My foremost prayer for not only myself but for my immediate family members and extended family members and neighbors near me and far from me is that may OUR NAMES BE RETAINED IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE (Revelation 21:27) in order for us all desirous of being in heaven gain access to YAHUAH'S(GOD THE FATHER'S) and YAHUSHA'S (JESUS') glorious everlasting indescribable indestructible unshakeable kingdom wherein:the saints,the angels,the 24 elders and the living creatures shall joyously for & ever WORSHIP YAHUAH in YAHUSHA'S name. To this end my foremost APPEAL to my colleague human beings is that may we BE BORN AGAIN IN SPIRIT AND WATER(John 3:3,5) and WORSHIP YAHUAH in spirit and truth and thus have the blessed hope of being in the NEW JERUSALEM AND NEW EARTH wherein shall be no: death,sorrow,anguish,disease,famine,drought,natural disasters, iniquities, transgressions and sins but wherein shall be TRUE: HAPPINESS/JOY/GLADNESS/EXCITEMENT for ever and ever.