I'm a video gamer, I like to draw and I also watch wrestling, too. I'm MasterMario90 from deviantart and ShadowMario90 from miiverse, but my other identities are confidential. Sometimes I like to show awesome stuffs, but not all of them. Mostly, I come here to listen cool music and add them to my favorites. I don't always get cooped in my room. I workout to help stay healthy and helping things around the house. I recently graduated college.You might see videos of my favorite characters, some gameplay and other random stuffs. This is where I put of my Mario Kart 8 videos and Mario Golf series video at. I own a Wii, Wii U, NDSXL, 3DSXL, 3DS and formerly own an XBOX360. Expect more stuff from now that we have Mario Kart TV.