The mission of the Center for Industrial Progress is to inspire Americans to embrace industrial progress as a cultural ideal.
CIP was founded by Alex Epstein, a philosopher and keynote speaker, whose book “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” became a New York Times bestseller. His writings on energy and energy policy have been published in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor's Business Daily, and dozens of other publications. He is a Principal blogger for MasterResource, the leading free-market energy blog. Mr. Epstein's weekly podcast, "Power Hour," features discussions with leading energy thinkers including author Robert Bryce ("Power Hungry"), climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen (MIT), and energy economist Michael Lynch (EnergySEER). Mr. Epstein's writings on philosophy, business, and energy have been featured in 10 books, including, most recently, Why Businessmen Need Philosophy.
For more information on CIP and its philosophy and practices, see our website, linked below.