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Seeds Of Self by Toni

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👁️ Awakening to New Truths everyday & sharing them Hello y

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 day ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You have outgrown the space that you’re in a while ago. But by you merging with your highest self - returning to your wholeness and closing out all karmic timelines - you are now vibrating at such a high frequency that the outdated space you find yourself in cannot hold it any longer. Your highest self is bursting at the seams and is longing to stabilize in an environment that matches its frequency. But you’re holding yourself back from jumping into the new head first. Spirit is saying:there’s still a small part of you that is holding onto past patterns / people / environments from your old karmic timelines. The longer you deny and suppress it the more miserable you’re going to feel. Your highest timeline and the life you see yourself living is done - waiting to welcome you with arms wide open. But ONLY if you rip yourself free from all that was - one last time. And when it’s time to jump? You better jump in with blind faith. Consider this your final end boss. On the other side of that you will finally be able to settle into your highest timeline. Free of any burdens and worries. Trust this. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card 👤 The Self

consider this the final test of how much you’re actually trusting yourself / your inner knowing

be bold and take the action you KNOW is necessary

you deserve to be in environment that match your frequency - anything else will deplete you

🎧 “It’s The Final Countdown” dudududu duuuuuuu

Sirens 🚨 | 911


ps: I am not the only one seeing the Self Card LITERALLY glowing, right????

118 - 15

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 day ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Your new sense of self you’re experiencing can partly be explained by the union that has taken place within you. You successfully merged your light and your dark - your divine feminine and divine masculine. Never has it been easier to flow with the current energies - intuitively knowing when the time calls for rest and when you’re being asked to take action. You successfully created balance within - merged the Yin with the Yang. Spirit is saying: if love hasn’t found you yet - it will soon come knocking at your door. The union within had to happen for the union without to come in for you now. Get ready to be swept off your feet. Your divine counterpart is about to make a grand entrance. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Card 👑 The King

get ready to meet your kingdom spouse / the one that mirrors to you the power you have cultivated yourself

divine union with your person is here / the king and the queen will be united to create and rule their empire

“you have waited long enough”

the power you hold within will be reflected in everything outside of yourself - this also goes for soul family in general

Shiva and Shakti | 155


109 - 11

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 3 days ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

„Dear you,
With you vibrating at such a high frequency, you’re attracting a lot of different opportunities / people / situations into your energy field at this time. Spirit is saying: not only is your discernment needed BUT when these offers are being presented to you it’s completely up to you whether you want to accept or repel them - especially when it comes to the really big manifestations of yours. Spirit is acknowledging that wishing for some thing is one thing but to have it materialized in your reality in a blink of an eye is a whole other ball game. This can easily throw you for a loop. Spirit is reminding you to come back to your most balanced state, anchor into the present moment and detach from any potential outcome linked to what has become your now new reality. If you feel yourself getting anxious / overwhelmed remember you have been prepared for this! The manifestations materializing right in front of your eyes are for nothing other than your pure enjoyment. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Cards 💧🌊 The Tear & The Ocean

remember: you haven’t fully stabilized in your new reality yet / it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and disoriented throughout your days

spirit is saying: any contrast that you’re experiencing is simply highlighting what you don’t want / no longer tolerate

meet moments of doubt or worries with compassion but know you’ve outgrown your old reality / spirit will deliver for you / your old timeline is no longer available to you


104 - 18

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 4 days ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You’re starting to realize that your purpose had never anything to do with serving others. Spirit is reminding you: you are the universe experiencing itself through you. You’re creator and creation all in one. And all the universe want is for you to serve no one else but yourself. The timeline that you are on is all about you only catering to what feels good to you and what you genuinely want to do for your own enjoyment. The more that you give to yourself / the higher you’re vibrating in your full authenticity - the more grand manifestations and LITERAL miracles will be moving forward. Spirit is emphasizing: those wishes you have been praying for for so long can drop into your reality ANY DAY NOW. The heavy lifting is done - it’s only smooth sailing from here on out. Spirit is advising you to make some extra time for reflection - truly honoring all the challenges you have overcome until now - ESPECIALLY within the last year! Take it all in. It will make you realize that all along you have been getting prepared to hold the miracles that are about to pour into your life now. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card ⚜️ Kairos

it’s giving royal and regal energy / knowing you are the king of your jungle and finally acting like it - not being humble about it whatsoever

putting yourself first no matter what / you’re locked in on the vision you have for the life you know you’re meant to live

not sacrificing your peace of mind and journey for anything / everything is shifting - the universe is conspiring in your favor

“it’s my way or the highway”

111 | 🦁


104 - 18

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 5 days ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Your soul is coming back home to itself. Completely unburdened of any karma. You are about to experience life how it was always meant to be enjoyed by you - free of any fear, pain or suffering. You closed off your karmic timeline successfully. Your ancestors are especially proud of you - you resolved what they were not able to do within their lifetime. Don’t be surprised to receive gifts from every which way as a symbol of deep appreciation from your ancestors. Spirit is reminding you: everything that has happened up until this point was needed to clear the karma your soul has been carrying - it’s something your soul knew before coming here. BUT NOW? You get to thrive and experience life in the most beautiful way. Past memories might hijack your mind from time to time and interrupt the feeling of bliss and gratitude you find yourself gravitating towards at this time - but this too shall pass. Give yourself grace, you’re going through a massive transition after all. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Cards 🃏🛕🌍 Aletheia, The Temple & The Sustainer

the contrast you’re experiencing might be at an all-time high / feeling like you’re ping-ponging between your old and new reality

spirit is asking you to hold firm / it’s all about to balance itself out / it’s safe for you to trust that your new reality has already been built / you living in it will be inevitable

🎧”Hold on, we’re going home” - Drake


77 - 10

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 6 days ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

„Dear you,
This will take some time getting used to - anchoring in your highest timeline. Getting to settle in to ease, unconditional love and support. Old outdated beliefs and patterns are trying to hold onto for dear life. Spirit is saying to you: it might feel quite unsettling to be confronted with a reality that is so drastically different to the struggle you have been used to previously. Let yourself drop into that KNOWING that you actually made it - that you get to live in your full embodiment now. THAT is exactly what is being asked of you. How would you show up if you’ve already seen full proof in your outside reality? What actions would you take? What leaps of faith are waiting for you to take action on? KNOWING you are fully supported by Spirit and your guides and that miracles are inevitable on the timeline you’re now existing on. This is what you’re meant to keep in the back of your mind moving forward. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Card 🤝🏼 The Vow

spirit is promising you that you’re completely safe to trust this / you really made it

there’s no reason to fear, to doubt, to worry anymore spirit is holding your hand throughout it all

it’s a time of celebration / you have been set free / all shackles have been lifted


127 - 10

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 week ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You’re not meant to be alone on this journey any longer. The times of having to fight for yourself are over - not only are you now entering a life full of ease but your true soul family is about to enter your reality. Spirit is saying: the dream connections you have been wishing and praying for are here. Now it’s about you releasing all of your remaining hyper independence and letting them come in. Spirit is acknowledging that you’re in the process of fully embodying who you are - standing in your complete authenticity. BUT in order to form the deep soul connections that are destined for you you need to be comfortable with showing yourself FULLY. Spirit is saying: you’re still keeping a part of yourself hidden - something related to how you’re living your life and what you see for yourself in the future. Spirit needs you to put it out into the open - release this abandonment wound to receive the love you KNOW you are meant to receive. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card 💎 The Gem

let yourself be seen openly and courageously - as everything that you are

your people can not find you if you keep yourself hidden / allow yourself to shine brightly and proudly in your uniqueness

“your soul tribe is here and it’s here to stay”


120 - 8

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 week ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Nothing is going to deter you from your path now. You have come so far - no entity, person, place or situation is able to keep you from what has always been destined to be yours. They can try, but they will ultimately fail. It’s giving “f*ck it” energy - you’re willing to do whatever it takes to meet God halfway - to finally claim your divine inheritance. Everything that dares to stand in the way will get burned to the ground. Spirit is saying: there might be a lot of anger coming up for you at this time. Allow yourself to look at all the injustice you had to endure up until this point. Let yourself feel this anger - process it. Scream and cry if you need to. Where you’re going, you cannot carry any repressed emotions with you. Spirit needs you clear of the past. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Cards 💧💗 The Tear & The Lover

it’s about falling in love with the darkness / connecting to the dark and light within you equally / becoming whole

you’re bringing all darkness to light to be able to walk forward unified within yourself

„your darkness doesn’t make you ugly - once integrated it’s gonna make you indestructible“

your presence alone is going to command respect / your energy is going to speak for itself / you’re going to stand out within the crowd

(number 115 might also be significant)


74 - 6

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 week ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You’re being asked to bask in the present. Find joy in the most mundane moments - leaning into what offers you comfort at this time. May it be baking, going for extensive walks in nature, binge watching your favorite TV series. Spirit is saying: There’s no right or wrong way to do it. All that is being asked of you is to take proper care of yourself at this time - giving your body and mind exactly what they are in need of to make this transitional period in your life the most „pleasureable“ it can be. Consider this your cocoon phase where “less is more” - don’t overextend your energy to people, places or situations. Your energy is needed for this massive integration process you’re currently going through. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Cards 🪺👑 The Mother & The King

you’re being asked to mother yourself now so you can enter the world fully standing in your position of power after

there’s a higher reason for this hibernation phase / you’re nurturing the core of who you are / you’re returning back to the person you were always meant to be

“get ready to reintroduce yourself soon”

you will be coming out of this phase a completely new person (in the best way possible)


60 - 10

Seeds Of Self by Toni
Posted 1 week ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
It’s normal to feel confused at this time - to not know which way is up. You’re currently transitioning from the old outdated version of you - that you said goodbye to a while back - to the new version that is fully embodying your highest self. So there is a gap that needs to be filled, new energies that need to be integrated and not only does it require time but a lot of REST. Spirit is saying: you’re undergoing a full reset - what you’re in the midst of is your system rebooting. Past people, thoughts or behaviors might be creeping back in at this time - wanting to pull you back to how things have been. Spirit wants you to slam the door on all of it. They don’t want you to fall victim to your doubts, fears or worries but instead hold onto your trust and faith - the knowing you’re already picking up on intuitively - that it’s all about to change in your FAVOR. The advice? Ground in the present moment, connect to Spirit and your guides and let yourself FEEL whatever wants to be felt at this time. This is how you will ensure you’re transmuting the energy properly and have it not stuck in your body, causing all types of blockages. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card 🎭 The Mask

it feels like a tug-of-war between aspect of your past self and your higher self / dipping in and out of the darkness / emotions are at an all-time high / high highs are followed by low lows

all that needs to come to light is being illuminated at this time

“the masks are falling”


81 - 6