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Seeds Of Self by Antonia

2.7K subscribers - no pronouns :c

👁️ Awakening to New Truths everyday & sharing them Hello y

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Missing The Daily Channeled Letters? 👀⬇️

With me launching our private community space for the rising souls of the collective 💫 on 22nd December, only community members will be able to gain access to the daily channeled messages via our exclusive telegram group from here on out (alongside other beautiful perks of course 🤫)

Feel intrigued and would like to know more? Then feel free to have a look here:

I for sure would love to see you within our community space!!

Much love,

PS: I am beyond grateful that you’re coming back to my videos basically every single day - you’re an absolute superstar 🌟MUAH MUAH

102 - 7

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You’re about to receive a gift that is for no one else but you to enjoy. There’s one specific spirit guide that is heavily protective over you and wants to bless you for what you had to endure - for the amount of battles you had to fight. Spirit is saying: it’s all going to happen fast now. Blessings and gifts will find their way to you with an increasing speed. The work you have done - the energetic alignment that has taken place - is now catching up with your 3D reality. Manifestations you wouldn’t have been able to hold energetically before are now dropping into your lap effortlessly. Spirit and your guides are applauding you for realizing such a high level of alignment within such a short period of time. And this is going to be directly reflected in your reality now - everywhere you look. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Cards 👤🪄 The Vessel & Anima Mundi

you’re heavily downloading information from the Akashic Records into your being / specific ancient knowledge is being revealed to you at this time

you’ve never been more receptive of information / spirit and your guides have a direct communication link to you at this time / „you are like a sponge“

your spiritual gifts are being activated - get ready to view life through completely new eyes

„this marks the return to your multidimensional self“

🎀 | 122 | sportscar

ps: the spirit guide that came through literally looked like a knight - straight out of the Middle Ages, fully armored and everything (maybe that’s also of significance for someone)


148 - 16

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Who would you be? How would you act if you would be free of all the struggles and all the wrongdoings of the past? If your memory would get wiped clean? Spirit is saying: you’re about to find out. You’re in the final stages of being cleared from all past programs that have put you into “fight or flight” for the majority of your life. What you’re about to experience is the most healthy form of detachment.
Past memories will feel like they happened to another person because the person you have transformed into IS completely different. You will soon arrive at a point where you can take actions in full unity with your highest self - universal laws and beliefs you had to acquaint yourself with over the years will be INGRAINED in your soul. There’s never going to be an action that will be clouded by doubt, worries or fear. All distorted energy is leaving your system at this time. But Spirit wants you to use this transition phase to get to know this newly emerging highest self in the meantime. Sit down with that version of yourself and make an effort to move and act in unison together. At one point you won’t be able to distinguish between the two. That’s when you will KNOW you successfully completed the merge and get to experience life out of your highest embodiment - your highest self. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card 🐚 The Cave

you’re being called to go within / retract your energy from those that were part of your old timeline

your highest self is calling you to reflect and set new intentions as ONE

🎧 “Santa that’s my only wish this year”

Initial S | 123


149 - 14

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

„Dear you,
Your old timeline crashed and burned - is no longer something that is even remotely accessible to you. You learned what you needed to learn. Now it’s time to fully lock in on the shiny new timeline that presents itself to you. You might not have the full picture of how your new life is going to look like yet BUT spirit is asking you to trust the glimpses you’ve already seen and trust the FEELING you get related to the new. Spirit is saying: there’s going to be a moment - soon - where you will gain clarity on how all of these little seeds of intention you planted - especially within the last six months during this deep shadow work phase - were accumulating to you NOW being able to access the life worthy of your highest self - YOU in the entirety of your being. Get ready to have your mind blown. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Cards 🌞⚔️ The One & The Warrior

you are the one destined to stand the test of time

not long and you will be able to put your weapons down / ease into the wholeness of who you are / not needing to patch up any wound any more

you’re about to fully lean into your multi dimensional self / expand far greater to what has been possible for you before

🎧 „It’s a bitter sweet symphony this liiiiife“

117 | 222

111 - 8

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You have outgrown the space that you’re in a while ago. But by you merging with your highest self - returning to your wholeness and closing out all karmic timelines - you are now vibrating at such a high frequency that the outdated space you find yourself in cannot hold it any longer. Your highest self is bursting at the seams and is longing to stabilize in an environment that matches its frequency. But you’re holding yourself back from jumping into the new head first. Spirit is saying:there’s still a small part of you that is holding onto past patterns / people / environments from your old karmic timelines. The longer you deny and suppress it the more miserable you’re going to feel. Your highest timeline and the life you see yourself living is done - waiting to welcome you with arms wide open. But ONLY if you rip yourself free from all that was - one last time. And when it’s time to jump? You better jump in with blind faith. Consider this your final end boss. On the other side of that you will finally be able to settle into your highest timeline. Free of any burdens and worries. Trust this. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card 👤 The Self

consider this the final test of how much you’re actually trusting yourself / your inner knowing

be bold and take the action you KNOW is necessary

you deserve to be in environment that match your frequency - anything else will deplete you

🎧 “It’s The Final Countdown” dudududu duuuuuuu

Sirens 🚨 | 911


ps: I am not the only one seeing the Self Card LITERALLY glowing, right????

137 - 19

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Your new sense of self you’re experiencing can partly be explained by the union that has taken place within you. You successfully merged your light and your dark - your divine feminine and divine masculine. Never has it been easier to flow with the current energies - intuitively knowing when the time calls for rest and when you’re being asked to take action. You successfully created balance within - merged the Yin with the Yang. Spirit is saying: if love hasn’t found you yet - it will soon come knocking at your door. The union within had to happen for the union without to come in for you now. Get ready to be swept off your feet. Your divine counterpart is about to make a grand entrance. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Card 👑 The King

get ready to meet your kingdom spouse / the one that mirrors to you the power you have cultivated yourself

divine union with your person is here / the king and the queen will be united to create and rule their empire

“you have waited long enough”

the power you hold within will be reflected in everything outside of yourself - this also goes for soul family in general

Shiva and Shakti | 155


123 - 12

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

„Dear you,
With you vibrating at such a high frequency, you’re attracting a lot of different opportunities / people / situations into your energy field at this time. Spirit is saying: not only is your discernment needed BUT when these offers are being presented to you it’s completely up to you whether you want to accept or repel them - especially when it comes to the really big manifestations of yours. Spirit is acknowledging that wishing for some thing is one thing but to have it materialized in your reality in a blink of an eye is a whole other ball game. This can easily throw you for a loop. Spirit is reminding you to come back to your most balanced state, anchor into the present moment and detach from any potential outcome linked to what has become your now new reality. If you feel yourself getting anxious / overwhelmed remember you have been prepared for this! The manifestations materializing right in front of your eyes are for nothing other than your pure enjoyment. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Cards 💧🌊 The Tear & The Ocean

remember: you haven’t fully stabilized in your new reality yet / it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and disoriented throughout your days

spirit is saying: any contrast that you’re experiencing is simply highlighting what you don’t want / no longer tolerate

meet moments of doubt or worries with compassion but know you’ve outgrown your old reality / spirit will deliver for you / your old timeline is no longer available to you


105 - 16

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
You’re starting to realize that your purpose had never anything to do with serving others. Spirit is reminding you: you are the universe experiencing itself through you. You’re creator and creation all in one. And all the universe want is for you to serve no one else but yourself. The timeline that you are on is all about you only catering to what feels good to you and what you genuinely want to do for your own enjoyment. The more that you give to yourself / the higher you’re vibrating in your full authenticity - the more grand manifestations and LITERAL miracles will be moving forward. Spirit is emphasizing: those wishes you have been praying for for so long can drop into your reality ANY DAY NOW. The heavy lifting is done - it’s only smooth sailing from here on out. Spirit is advising you to make some extra time for reflection - truly honoring all the challenges you have overcome until now - ESPECIALLY within the last year! Take it all in. It will make you realize that all along you have been getting prepared to hold the miracles that are about to pour into your life now. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Card ⚜️ Kairos

it’s giving royal and regal energy / knowing you are the king of your jungle and finally acting like it - not being humble about it whatsoever

putting yourself first no matter what / you’re locked in on the vision you have for the life you know you’re meant to live

not sacrificing your peace of mind and journey for anything / everything is shifting - the universe is conspiring in your favor

“it’s my way or the highway”

111 | 🦁


106 - 18

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

“Dear you,
Your soul is coming back home to itself. Completely unburdened of any karma. You are about to experience life how it was always meant to be enjoyed by you - free of any fear, pain or suffering. You closed off your karmic timeline successfully. Your ancestors are especially proud of you - you resolved what they were not able to do within their lifetime. Don’t be surprised to receive gifts from every which way as a symbol of deep appreciation from your ancestors. Spirit is reminding you: everything that has happened up until this point was needed to clear the karma your soul has been carrying - it’s something your soul knew before coming here. BUT NOW? You get to thrive and experience life in the most beautiful way. Past memories might hijack your mind from time to time and interrupt the feeling of bliss and gratitude you find yourself gravitating towards at this time - but this too shall pass. Give yourself grace, you’re going through a massive transition after all. So it is. So it is. So it is.”

Confirmation Cards 🃏🛕🌍 Aletheia, The Temple & The Sustainer

the contrast you’re experiencing might be at an all-time high / feeling like you’re ping-ponging between your old and new reality

spirit is asking you to hold firm / it’s all about to balance itself out / it’s safe for you to trust that your new reality has already been built / you living in it will be inevitable

🎧”Hold on, we’re going home” - Drake


76 - 10

Seeds Of Self by Antonia
Posted 1 month ago

Today’s Channeled Letter 💌

„Dear you,
This will take some time getting used to - anchoring in your highest timeline. Getting to settle in to ease, unconditional love and support. Old outdated beliefs and patterns are trying to hold onto for dear life. Spirit is saying to you: it might feel quite unsettling to be confronted with a reality that is so drastically different to the struggle you have been used to previously. Let yourself drop into that KNOWING that you actually made it - that you get to live in your full embodiment now. THAT is exactly what is being asked of you. How would you show up if you’ve already seen full proof in your outside reality? What actions would you take? What leaps of faith are waiting for you to take action on? KNOWING you are fully supported by Spirit and your guides and that miracles are inevitable on the timeline you’re now existing on. This is what you’re meant to keep in the back of your mind moving forward. So it is. So it is. So it is.“

Confirmation Card 🤝🏼 The Vow

spirit is promising you that you’re completely safe to trust this / you really made it

there’s no reason to fear, to doubt, to worry anymore spirit is holding your hand throughout it all

it’s a time of celebration / you have been set free / all shackles have been lifted


130 - 10