in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
βHave you realized, my dear friends, the importance of Brahmacharya? Have you recognised, my dear brothers, the true significance and glory of Brahmacharya? How can you expect to be strong and healthy if the energy that is acquired through various means with great difficulty and at great price is wasted daily? It is impossible to be strong and healthy unless males and females, boys and girls, try their level best to keep up Brahmacharya or the vow of celibacy.
Even among electrons, there are bachelor electrons and married electrons. Married electrons manifest in pairs. Bachelor electrons exist singly. It is these bachelor electrons only that create magnetic force. The power of Brahmacharya is seen in electrons also. Friend, will you learn some lessons from these electrons? Will you practice Brahmacharya and develop power and spiritual force? Nature is your best teacher and spiritual guide.
Through Brahmacharya, get over the miseries of mundane life and attain health, strength, peace of mind, endurance, bravery, material progress, psychic advancement and immortality. One who has perfect control over the sexual energy attains powers unobtainable by any other means. Therefore, dissipate not thy energy in sensual pleasures. Conserve thy energy. Do noble deeds and practice meditation. You will become a superman. You will commune with God and feel Divinity.β
β p. 30, 'Practice of Brahmacharya'
by Swami Sivananda
41 - 5
Happy New Year to all my subscribers! ππ
I hope 2020 wasn't too challenging for you, and that 2021 will be a much better year for you, and that you will move towards and achieve many of your goals this year. π
2020 was the first proper year for me creating and sharing content, and putting myself out there... It's been a lot of fun... Through the channel and videos, I've learned and continue to learn a lot about not just the topics I research and share, but online marketing, people, and myself of course! I really look forward to growing the channel further in 2021, and to expand the brand in other areas.
My goal for 2020 at the end of 2019 was to get to 5K subscribers. I got close to 4K, which isn't bad at all. I know they're just vanity metrics at the end of the day and not what matters, but it can be kind of fun too to see it grow. π
I'm not going to share my specific goals for the channel for the next year. Just know that I'm excited to keep creating and have so much I want to talk about and share with you from the heart, as best as I can, improving the delivery and the quality gradually as I go. π
Obviously, my content is not everyone's cup of tea. That goes without saying, but reading through the comments on some of the videos can be really heartening. To know that the content is having a positive impact and inspiring even a handful, never mind 100's never grows tiring for me. It's very fulfilling.
So, I'd like to thank you for supporting the channel in whatever way you have: by viewing some of the videos, liking them (if you actually enjoyed them), commenting and sharing your thoughts, sharing videos you found helpful with those you thought might benefit, and generally spreading the word about it. π€β₯οΈ
So Happy New Year and let's learn and grow together some more over next 12 months! π
44 - 6
Arrived in the post this morning...
Can't wait to get stuck into it!
All about healing the body by returning to raw plant foods, fruits, and using herbs and juices.
Had a quick peek at the back and it lists all the major herbs for human consumption and their health benefits - amazing stuff. πΏππ
Big fan of @robertmorsend - highly recommend checking him out here!
Another amazing person is βͺ@JRawRoseβ¬
Two of my favourite teachers and healers!
Planning to go hard with this stuff in the coming year, juice fasting, raw foods, herbal protocols, will share my journey with you. βοΈ
22 - 1
Psilocybin mushrooms and other psychedelic substances have been decriminalised In the state of Oregon and in Washington, D. C., in the United States this week through ballot initiatives in the US presidential election.
Oregon and D. C. will be joining the cities of Denver, Colorado; Oakland, California; Santa Cruz, California; and Ann Arbor, Michigan, which have decriminalised psilocybin prior.
This progress has been laid on the foundation of marijuana legalisation throughout the USA in the years prior, since 2012, and even before.
It is fantastic news, in my opinion, as it signals a shift in people's attitudes towards the use and value of psychedelics, also known as entheogens ("generating the divine within") or plant medicines, which are showing huge promise in the treatment of mental illnesses.
Psilcobyin mushrooms, for example, have shown promise in clinical / scientific trials to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety (general, social, as well as end-of-life anxiety due to terminal illnesses such as cancer).
Other psychedelic substances such as MDMA (mild psychedelic, strong empathogen) are showing promise in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can stem from warfare, rape, child abuse, etc.
MDMA is effective in treating PTSD because it allows sufferers to access their traumatic memories in a highly loving state, which then allows the brain to recontextualise the events.
MDMA is also showing great promise in relationship counselling sessions, as it allows all parties to surmount conditioned patterns of judgement and open up to communication.
For me, the gradual (re-)legitimisation and legalisation of these medicinal substances signals a shift in humanity's consciousness, and a growth in our compassion for others.
Their legalisation will herald a breakthrough of healing for humanity, and will only further accelerate shifts in our consciousness.
Here is a video from the BBC exploring psilocybin therapy for depression in the UK:
24 - 1
Hey everyone,
I'd like to reshare this video with you that I recorded almost a year ago by now!
In it, I lay out my vision for what I feel a 'Highly Evolved Society' on Earth might look like.
In other words, what societies might look like once humanity collectively evolves further.
If you're feeling pessimistic, or dealing with 'Covid-19 fatigue', this could be a good one.
I unleash all of my idealism and optimism for humanity and its future in this video.
We are facing many challenges as a species at this time, and manipulative occurrences.
That aside, I am highly optimistic that humanity will surmount all present challenges and crises, continue to evolve in consciousness, and ultimately go on to create a more beautiful world of abundance.
If you haven't already, have a listen and enjoy!
It's just audio, so good for gym / on the go.
14 - 4
You can follow more of my written work over on Medium (in addition to website blog).
Topics include: spirituality, wisdom lineages, semen retention, sacred sexuality, raw living foods diet, naturopathy, personal growth, etc.
If you enjoy the articles, give them a clap.
I appreciate your support.
Great things in the pipeline for this channel, brand, & us moving forward as a community!
Link below and in the comments. π
38 - 15
Feeling inspired, I've got some great uploads lined up for you for next week, and beyond!
I've also been thinking about other ways in which I can create and connect with you all.
I've put some ideas below, vote which options you would like to see or would enjoy from me.
I can't guarantee when or if I will create all of these offerings, just gauging preference first.
15 - 7
I am currently rereading 'Reality Transurfing' by Vadim Zeland.β
A powerful book that espouses the fundamentals of reality.β
It discusses how we are creators of our own reality, in essence.β
We've heard this many times before, but what this book does, is it breaks it down to the fundamentals and the rules in a logical, left-brain kind of way.β
It teaches principles such as the 'slide' which is visualising your end goal, visualising the next step in the chain, pendulums - what they are and how to deal with them.β
It teaches the importance of the quality of your thoughts, how they literally shape and create your reality, how the world is a mirror of your internal image.β
It teaches about the 'alternatives space' where all possibilities lie, and how to access it through unity of the heart and mind.β
The book is a goldmine of knowledge.β
Even if you don't apply it with a view to creating a specific reality, it will at the very least give you greater awareness of how reality and other people operate.β
It even includes a chapter on how to influence and help others get what they want, so that you, too, can get what you want out of life. Social influence, in other words.β
In essence, we create our reality, practically everything about it.β
We are not victims, we decided on everything, we can decide anew.β
This book is like a Bible of self-empowerment, written by a Russian ex-physicist.β
Fascinating stuff, and a beautiful quote from it, I feel.
18 - 6
Dr. David Hawkins is the author of several books on the topics of consciousness and levels of energy.
Dr. Hawkins is famous for his scale or map of consciousness which provides a working model for the level of energy and consciousness we experience.
Dr. Hawkins' map of consciousness is useful for assessing our emotions, the level of integrity of various religious groups, organisation, books, people, etc.
Dr. Hawkins' scale of consciousness is an arbitrary scale of 0 - 1,000, with 1,000 being the highest level of energy attainable in the human domain.
1,000 is the level of avatars such as Jesus Christ and Buddha.
200 is the critical threshold demarcating force / negativity and power / integrity.
Dr. Hawkins created the scale of consciousness through applied kinesiology.
The idea is that everything in the universe is connected through energy.
Everything that ever was or is is known and stored in the energy field.
This library of information can be accessed simply by asking what is true.
This can be done through muscle testing, in that a true statement will make a subject's arm go strong, while a false statement will make one's arm go weak.
In this way, the answer to anything that has been or is can be deduced.
#drdavidhawkins #powervsforce #lettinggo #spiritualsurrender #levelsofconsciousness #scaleofconsciousness #mapofconsciousness #levelsofenergy #spiritualprogress #spiritualgrowth #lettinggomethod #lettinggotechnique #eft #emotionalfreedomtechniques #emotionalfreedomtechnique #sedonamethod #appliedkinesiology
22 - 2
Just completed my first ever 5-day water fast. Interesting experience. I used water with lemon and lime slices added to make the water more potent, i.e. astringent and alkaline. On the 3rd and 4th days I felt highly nauseous. On the 4th day I even had some dry wretching. My body felt zapped. I was initially planning to do 3 days since it was my first time properly water fasting. Ease into it, but it's almost like my body made the nausea kick in to prevent me from eating / activity. I was basically forced to lie down most of the day and just keep drinking water. Learned a lot. It's gotten me a little more in touch with my body's intelligence. The body is an incredibly smart vehicle. When it knows it has the opportunity to heal, it will floor you and ensure it has all the time and energy to get to work. The idea that fasting is primarily about weight loss is a misconception. When you fast, all of your energy is directed towards healing and repair. Normally, a good portion of the body's energy is directed towards digestion. This is only exacerbated if we eat all times of the day. In the fasted state, the body is breaking down old cells, forming new ones, cleansing itself throughout, without the hindrance of endless digestion processes. There's a reason all of the world's major religions point to fasting for health and spirituality: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism. There's a reason most vertebrate animals and mammals fast when they're sick. There's also a reason why we naturally avoid food when feeling ill. Now, with fasting, we're just taking conscious control of nature's healing powers rather than waiting for something bad to happen to force your hand. When the stomach and bowels are empty, more of that energy can go to the mind, bringing greater clarity as well as connection to the natural world. I spent some of the fast lying out in the sun on the grass and it was pretty cool. The low energy and nausea tinted the experience for sure, but I feel like it was just what was needed, otherwise the body wouldn't have made it happen. Trust your body and nature. We were raised in a society which viewed the body as incredibly frail, believe it or not. Why do you think we were raised to eat three or four meals a day, with a heavy breakfast first thing in the morning? We were doing the best we could with what we knew, and that's OK, but we need to examine our behaviours and beliefs. There is the feeling that the underlying view of the body and food in society is that we need to continually keep it fed or we will start wasting away to nothing or falling apart. We need to call out these beliefs and come back to trusting ourselves, our body, and nature's healing mechanisms, so that we can love ourselves on a deeper level. Peace. β€οΈβπ»
49 - 7
Connecting the dots and sharing insights in the realms of health, spirituality, and personal growth. π‘ Like, comment, and subscribe. β€οΈ